What is Dropquest?
Dropquest is a multi-step scavenger hunt that has you solve a series of puzzles (inspired by the likes of MIT's mystery hunt or notpron [though not nearly as time/effort-consuming]). Everyone who completes Dropquest will get at least 1 GB of space (even if you participated last year). Also, everyone starts at the same time, but the questers who finish the soonest get amazing prizes!
Ooh! Prizes?
1st place (1): Dropbox employee hoodie, LIMITED EDITION Dropbox Hack Week t-shirt, Dropbox drawing signed by the entire Dropbox team, invitation to help write the next Dropquest, 100 GB for life!
2nd place (10): Dropbox employee hoodie, Dropbox t-shirt, 20 GB for life!
3rd place (15): Dropbox t-shirt, 5 GB for life!
4th place (50): 2 GB for life!
5th place (100): 1 GB for life!
Important Notes:
Dropquest is a multi-step scavenger hunt that has you solve a series of puzzles (inspired by the likes of MIT's mystery hunt or notpron [though not nearly as time/effort-consuming]). Everyone who completes Dropquest will get at least 1 GB of space (even if you participated last year). Also, everyone starts at the same time, but the questers who finish the soonest get amazing prizes!
Ooh! Prizes?
1st place (1): Dropbox employee hoodie, LIMITED EDITION Dropbox Hack Week t-shirt, Dropbox drawing signed by the entire Dropbox team, invitation to help write the next Dropquest, 100 GB for life!
2nd place (10): Dropbox employee hoodie, Dropbox t-shirt, 20 GB for life!
3rd place (15): Dropbox t-shirt, 5 GB for life!
4th place (50): 2 GB for life!
5th place (100): 1 GB for life!
Important Notes:
- DO NOT use our support, forums, or blog for Dropquest hints or answers — you'll probably get disqualified if we catch you doing this!
- Installing Dropbox on your computer will make this year's Dropquest much easier for you!
- If for some reason you have a folder named "Dropquest 2012" in your Dropbox, please rename it before starting Dropquest, because we'll be creating a new folder for you.
- Do not move or modify the Dropquest folder or its contents unless we explicitly tell you to. Feel free to delete the folder once you're done with Dropquest.
- Make sure you have at least 25 MB of space at all times, because we won't be able to add puzzles to your Dropquest folder otherwise.
- If you ever mess up your Dropquest folder or its contents, you can always hit the reset button at the bottom-left of any puzzle to restore it to the correct state depending on which puzzle you're on.