Ran into an issue with my DS Lite which I had bought a couple of months back. The charger a chinese one that the shopkeeper gave me is not charging the device.
The amber LED turns on for a few seconds and stops.
After a while I realized something might be wrong with the charger as it seemed to be getting hot and the charging would stop. I tried to open the charger but could only remove 1 screw. The second one just would not budge. After prying open the cover a bit and twisting it so that it remains open a bit for a bit of ventilation I saw that the ds lite was getting charged. The LED would flicker a bit but was charging. Once in between it did turn off but it did started charging again immediately.
On googling I found that some people had a fuse issue which caused issues in charging. But, I am not sure if that is the case.
Can some one please comment on what might be the issue.
I don't know anyone who owns a ds lite so I can't get a spare charger to test and the original charger is 110v which won't work.
Please Help.