dual boot Vista/Xp issue

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i have XP and Vista in dual boot

had installed XP first and Vista next, everything was working fine..

but i had few errors and had to reinstall XP..

now i dont get the dual boot option while booting, even tough vista is on a different partition.

pls help!
Okay, here's what you can do.. Install easyBCD, and open the program.. There's an option called manage bootloader.. In that select the option for Reinstall Vista MBR >> Select it >>> write MBR and save settings..

Now restart the system.. You should be able to boot into Vista, but you won't get the dual boot screen. In Vista, again install easyBCD, and go to the add /remove entries section >> add an entry in the section below with the following settings:
Type: Windows XP
Name: Whatever you want to call XP as in the boot screen
Drive: C:\

Click on add eentry button and you are done..
If you want to change the default OS and the timeout, make necessary changes in the Change settings option.. :D
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