Dual boot Win XP & Win 7


Level N
I have two different hard disks.

XP is installed on 80gb while Windows 7 is on 500gb.
Both the OS are installed separately by disabling either harddisk. So now to select between the two i have to press F9 key at boot and then select between the two disks to choose between xp and 7.
I want to edit XP boot.ini and add an entry for win 7, so that permanently i will boot from my xp 80gb drive thus giving me option to select for win 7 as well. (dual booting).
Pls dont suggest me EasyBCD as i tried it throughly and it screwed my MBRs and bootsectors of both disks. and i dont want to screw my win 7.
Suggest the xp boot.ini way.
You can not boot in to win7 using boot loader of win xp. So editing boot.ini will not help. You must have gone wrong somewhere while using easybcd that's why ur MBR got corrupted. I have also installed the two os in same way as yours and it is perfectly working. pm if you want inputs for using easy bcd.