Dual Core Opterons 165/170/175 Available...

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he was nice enough to sell before at cost price. its nothing wrong to sell at a profit. y would anyone sell stuff brand new box packed stuff without making profit.
kidoman said:
OMG he's making cash................... zzz

lol who said anything was wrong......... man. its like duh, he is bringing it and selling it, so what if he makes a profit......
Okay..... we have all agreed that it is OK for Switch to make a profit :P

Let us get back to the topic.... the Optys :P ....

So, who are the lucky ones who are buying these beauties?? Apart from Kido i.e
Well... I dont mind if funky publishes the Price he got from his dealer ;)... And who all have got opty's from me till now know the real market price... Specially you Anish... I am impressed...
17 thousand 500 weeeeeeeeee i wish i cud afford :( man i'm sure noone is gonna marry me when i'll have a job first thing is 90% money reserved behind my weird and psycotic hobbies of collecting ic's and a lot of stuffs
its DC opty. get it while it lasts.

Seriously, this is probably the only shipment that has made its way to india. 1 lot has come and in future do not expect any more shipments. This is what i am told.

So grab it while it lasts.

thats the reason i am buying it right now.

And mostly few dealers will block certain amount of stock ;)

So it gets hard to find like SD core is these days.
Dual Core opty will be here (avialable) for a long time funky ....
This is just the begining . its the single core opty versions which will go to the OEM's.
aare it will continue well outside india re.

I am talking about india. Hardly 1 shipment of SD3700 made it here at premium pirce. Thats it. And if indications by dealers are correct this might be same case.
@ funky, Nope i see a huge market for dual core cpu's in India given booming growth of the BPO and other software development / services sector in India. The corporate and service sector demand will be huge. now only if AMD reduces the prices of these here for us End Users....sigh!!
its not even 2k premium over us pricing. its selling for anything from 330 to 360 US$.

So i dont think its too overpriced here.

Yeah the low end processors generally get here for same or even lower price. but higher end has always bee little pricy. And our dealers too make nice profit in this segment.

And then again if demand was soo huge we by now should have seen some considerable price reduction in X2s too.

The reduction came but just now with 3800 costing 18k odd.

Opteron is not mainstream processor anyway. Its good that atleast AMD is trying to push cheaper workstation/server grade processors.

And supply - demand - pricing equations always go fishing in india :P
hey man, will be deposition money today pakka. yesterday UTI bank was closed (some holiday.) u sending the proccy today na? pls send along some thermal compound if u hv. okay.

come msn na b1tch.........
man nishant, what happened? why the sannata? somethign wrong? is my 165 shipping out today. man this backup rig has to be returned on munday man. pls tell me what happened atleast.....
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