PC Peripherals dual layer DVD media availability

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Hi people.
I am in search of Dual layer DVD media. The major reason i specifically want dual layer medial is to backup my $180 investment i made when i purchased Friends all season DVD pack. Its very expensive investment and i want to make sure that i back it up.
The original DVD is dual layer media.
In past i used to use DVD shrink to reauthor the media to fit 4.7GB. But the quality on these dvd is degrading too much when disk is reauthered.

I have already backed them up using Divx but i want to be able to burn disks with full quality and playable on my Sony DVD player.
And so far all my efforts to buy Dual layer media are gone to vein.
I have option to import media from US but my friend can bring my Motherboard and CPu or these DVDs so its obvious choice, i wont let go of DFI NF4 ;)
So do you people know any shop where dual layer is available at reasonable price?
I found out recently and was told that it costs 500Rs. CRAP!!!! And that too it was not available but would be available in 2 months.
instead of wasting money on dvd9 funky u can split the dvd9 image & burn on 2xdvd5. thats what ive done for lotr, star wars etc.

i used clonedvd for it. really easy. & u wont loose on any quality & will be a cheap solution.
hey i find it strange but when ever i buy dvd movies which are pirated ones they are actually DVD9 and the DVD costs arnd 80 bucks with the film :S
stormblast said:
i used clonedvd for it. really easy. & u wont loose on any quality & will be a cheap solution.

a li'l tip on how-to will be greatly appreciated.. :) along with Friends I have a few other 8gig discs that i need to back up :D
i am using v 2.5 of clonedvd & that has the option. its very usefull as i said.

add me on msn i can send it to u. its not that big.


& @ about the dvd9 costing 80rs pirated. thats cause they are from china, bk or hk. u get them for 40rs in china with proper cover n packing etc.
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stormblast said:
& @ about the dvd9 costing 80rs pirated. thats cause they are from china, bk or hk. u get them for 40rs in china with proper cover n packing etc.

then why isnt the dual layer dvd 9 then available atleast for 50 bucks ??
Yeah but most of the ps2 games are dvd5 ;) Actually its the volumes plus the cheap quality. Those 80 bucks dvd movies, games dont really last for long...........
Okay.. back to the original question. Call Santosh in Mumbai on

. He has Verbatim +R DL discs (the best!!) for 400 or so, each. Tell him Bhairav sent you, and bargain.. he may bring the price down a bit.
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