Storage Solutions DVD-drive going bad?

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Just completed 1 yr warranty on my HP laptop CQ62-112TU. Yesterday after 3 mths, I bought local DVD-DLs to write. I tried 3 of them but none of them were working. Not even the marks which show up after writing a DVD showed up on the lenses. Thinking, the DVDs might have gone bad, I borrowed a Sony DVD-DL from my friend. I was able to write the whole DVD using DVD Decrypter but none of the data shows up on the DVD when I pop it back in.

So, I think my DVD drive might be going bad. Any suggestions? Also, any suggestions on external writers I can check out?
you may also have got a bad batch of sony DVDs.

still i would suggest to write a re writable DVD to make it sure.
Tried another of the Sony drives - gave me error that some sectors were corrupted. It gave me hope that Sony DVDs might be from a bad batch. Tried another of the local DVDs, again dint work. Total damage 400 INR :(
I had the same problem with a new hp laptop bought in april'11 about 3 months back.i wrote about it somewhere on these forums.optical drive technology has become stagnant.prices have gone down and so has,hp use the cheapest drives they can get their hands on.the only good high quality drives are blue ray drives or those that go into corporate models.don't waste any more money.try to use the drive in a different laptop.

you will have to replace it if it does not do what you want it to do.i will suggest what i have done personally and what i have suggested a desktop class optical drive: original lite on,lg and get a case for it. reasons: quality is more robust
2.speed is double
3.reading capability is better: better chance of reading old or scratched discs
4.will not suffer same trauma as your mobile laptop will cost the same or lesser than a slim external drive or your replacement laptop drive.
Or if you want to replace the ODD, check if its a SATA/PATA one, you should get a replacment for ~2K. Even better, if you have no use for the ODD, replace it with a caddy+2nd laptop HDD. will cost 1K for the caddy at least.
The OP is better off if with a USB dvd writer IMO...

drsingh said:
I had the same problem with a new hp laptop bought in april'11 about 3 months back.i wrote about it somewhere on these forums.optical drive technology has become stagnant.prices have gone down and so has,hp use the cheapest drives they can get their hands on.the only good high quality drives are blue ray drives or those that go into corporate models.don't waste any more money.try to use the drive in a different laptop.

you will have to replace it if it does not do what you want it to do.i will suggest what i have done personally and what i have suggested a desktop class optical drive: original lite on,lg and get a case for it. reasons: quality is more robust
2.speed is double
3.reading capability is better: better chance of reading old or scratched discs
4.will not suffer same trauma as your mobile laptop will cost the same or lesser than a slim external drive or your replacement laptop drive.
Thanks guys. getting a portable drive. This sucks. Hell with Compaq. Within a year I have had three failures: 1. HDD, then battery and now DVD Drive. :X
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