DVD Player - USB + HDMI + MIC

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I need to buy a DVD player with USB, HDMI and MIC tomorrow. The USB should support max formats. The upscaling quality should be good and the mic port is compulsory. Budget is 6k. I'm open to purchasing it from the grey market.

Need to buy it tomorrow.

Aman27deep said:
Seriously, you want him to say please and thank you ?!
hey come on friends, just cut this out, its just being polite because there was no please in it, just read what it sounds like, no wonder he didn't get any reply even after 143 views, he should have learned by now.

no offense
dude, firstly, i did write thanks in the end. i may not have written "please", but that doesn't mean that the message was rude. i left the whole "can someone please suggest.." line out coz frankly, i thought it was implied. but, that doesn't mean that the message was rude.

also, wtf do you mean by saying "he should have learnt by now"? have you been noticing some kind of pattern with my posts? go through all my posts on TE and gimme one instance where i've been rude or offended anyone.

on the contrary, you're the one who's being rude, not only to me, but amandeep also.. "you should go back to school" is not exactly a very polite response! what do you think?

you come across plain-rude and grammatically incorrect posts like "suggest me a x-product" all the time, but this is far from it..
vb86 said:
dude, firstly, i did write thanks in the end. i may not have written "please", but that doesn't mean that the message was rude. i left the whole "can someone please suggest.." line out coz frankly, i thought it was implied. but, that doesn't mean that the message was rude.

also, wtf do you mean by saying "he should have learnt by now"? have you been noticing some kind of pattern with my posts? go through all my posts on TE and gimme one instance where i've been rude or offended anyone.

on the contrary, you're the one who's being rude, not only to me, but amandeep also.. "you should go back to school" is not exactly a very polite response! what do you think?

you come across plain-rude and grammatically incorrect posts like "suggest me a x-product" all the time, but this is far from it..
fact remains the same, go back to school & learn some manners too.

phewwwww, what a pity !!!!
I think the dvd players from marantz and pioneer should easily squeeze within your budget. marantz receivers and dvd players alike, ship with decent upscaling chips onboard so perhaps you should look for models from them. I am not aware of any particular model but if you could browse through the models listed at marantz US's site, shortlist a few models and enquire at the grey market outlet (Alfa store at Irla, Vile Parle, Mumbai), it would be worthwhile.

Where are you based?
^thanks gannu!

im based in delhi. actually, the reason i need a mic port is coz its for my mom's tv and she wants to connect her mic to it when she practices her music. she does that so that she can just take the output from the tv. initially, she used to use my marshall guitar amp, but that got busted. she doesn't want to get into the hassle of keeping an amp also.. this is just more convenient for her..

i had bought a philips model with usb, hdmi and a mic port a year back for a cousin but i've heard that their upscaling isn't exactly the best..
^Nah don't go with the low-end Philips, Sony, LG, Samsung, yada yada. Their upscaling capability sucks and this is particularly visible when you hook up such a dvd player to a big ass HDTV. I suppose you intend to do the same. Since you are in Delhi, hit Gaffar Market in Karol Bagh - I am sure those guys should stock some marantz dvd players since they do stock marantz AVRs - IINM titana had got a quote for a marantz avr from gaffar market.
ill just call up my source in gaffar. i met him yesterday. he did have the pioneer 420 model. unfortunately, it didn't have a mic port. ill see if he can find some marantz models for me.. thanks a lot.
Alright I don't think a marantz dvd player might fit within your budget since the cheapest one - DV3002 retails for 200 USD. Sourcing it for under 10k through grey, would be an awesome price IMO.

Link - Marantz America | DV3002 Progressive Scan DVD Player

And it appears, none of the dvd players come with a mic input. Not even the cheaper ones! You will have to look for alternatives. Isn't mic input the priority here?
ive managed to convince mom to dump the mic port. ill just buy her a separate guitar amp or something.. how is the pioneer 420? getting it for 5.5k in the grey mkt.. now that i only need a usb and hdmi port, which do you think is the best option?

thanks again..
^Honestly, I have no clue. But a user at HFV forums claims it upscales pretty decently. Even the Amazon reviews say so. So may be it is worth a shot. And Pioneer does not make cheap ass AVRs AFAIK (not even the low-end ones mind you!) so maybe they have the same credit for dvd players as well?
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