Storage Solutions DVD Writer - Blinking Green light

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My friend got a Sony DVD DRU-710A (something like that model) writer. He told me that he inserted a DVD movie his dad got from states. He tried to play the DVD but cudn't play it right so I knew it is that region protection isue so i suggested him region free tricks and softwares.

Now he complains that the DVD's region is automatically set to "Region 2 Albania" and the Green LED and the cabinet LED "continuously blinks" and the DVD writer does not read DVD/CDs at all though windows detects the writer.

I told him to try use this tool:

But still no solution. Is the drive dead? only hardware gurus can handle this now :ohyeah:

@ ferrar!

Did you ask ur friend to change the firmware ?? or has he changed it?? if so then first thing to do will be to restore the original firmware as chaos suggested above.

if not then that means the firmware is original.

first undo whatever "hacks" you had suggested and what ur friend had duly complied with.

Then remove the "upper" and "lower" filters for the drive in the windows registry (if any)
yes, you may.
but first check and try to remove any "upper" or "lower" filters entries in the windows registry.
it should be here, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
check all the entries for this class {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} in the windows registry.
edit : ok read your edit hence am doing according to new edited info.
flash to the latest bios and try. if the blinking lights persists try with a different hdd cable ....
Thank you chaos n deejay for your valuable suggestions and knowledge, problem solved :)

Solution: Flashed the firmware from BYX2 to BYX3 :)

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