DVDs stopped playing on my old HT system

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I have a Philips LX3600D home theatre system. All of a sudden yesterday, most of my DVDs didnt play on the same. I have seen the same DVDs on the same system before ! I tried using the system after a month (for DVDs)

The system is made region free, so that cannot be the problem. It also plays VCDs and MP3s efficiently. All the DVDs that I am trying are not bought from shops like PlanetM and Rythm House and they do play on other players.

A few plays but stalls after some time and at times they just refuse to play. If i open/close the tray a few times, some of them start working. I really dont know what the issue is ? Do you think i should call the philips service centre (any number would be helpful). The HT system is 3 yrs old (no warranty left). Also, I doubt that I can use the 5.1 speakers with any other DVD player as they have proprietory connectors.
Just contacted Vijay Sales from where I bought the system. They will forward my request to the Philips Service Centre and send someone at my residence. Will have to pay around 250-300 as visit charges..(aint that a tad high ?)

PS: Contacted Philips Service Centre @ Mahim (24475590/91/92) and they said they charge Rs 400 for a single visit !!! I think docs charge cheaper than that isnt it ?
You could try and use some lens cleaner to see if that helps, apart from that going to the service center seems to be the only option. Don't worry about the connectors though, after all they are connected thru wires which can be cut :)

Attaching the service manual for your model, if you want to be ambitious. :crash:

Thats the idea..i am going to try and use a lens cleaner first ...are there diff cleaners for dvd and cd drives ? or a common one ? Should i try and use my vacuum to blow some air into the player ...maybe dust has accumulated on it..

The service engineer came and checked the system. He opened the DVD drive bay and sprayed something from a canister (maybe compressed air or some kind of solution) into the 2 motors which rotate the disc. Cleaned the lens with a really dirty cloth and the player started working smoothly !

Now the fun starts. He assembles everything and makes an invoice of 350 bucks which I pay after confirming that the player would work for at least a month, which he verbally guarantees. This entire process takes just 10 mins max.

The next day I start the player and surprise surprise - the damn thing starts giving me the same problem. I get pissed and promptly call Vijay Sales and they promise that they will now send a 'senior' engineer to service the thing and that I dont have to pay anything to him. After a couple of days the same chap comes (he has supposedly achieved seniority in a couple of days). Without even opening the player he tells me that lens has to be replaced. He tells me that there are 3 lenses in the drive one each for MP3, VCD and DVD. I argue that a few of my Indian DVDs do work (I only try DVDs bought officially from stores on my player). Its only that a few new ones have stopped working on the player. He refuses to even open the system to check as he is now convinced that the lens is not working. It an irony that he himself had told me 2 days earlier that the lens is working very fine and its the motor which had jammed !

I have no choice but to repair the player (cost of lens is 1800 with a warranty of a month !) or buy a new player altogether. Any advice on the same ? I dont know whether I should repair it and get the lens replaced before selling it off to someone or just dump it (financially a bit harsh). Or should I try opening the damn thing myself and get some compressed air (where can i get this) and spray it in the motors.

Please help. I am not quite sure whether he was right in saying that the lens has stopped working and the focus is weak.
Don't waste time, effort and money trying to repair it.

I had a similar problem with my DVD player. I did foolish stuff like get it checked up and all. paid 400 bucks but nothing happened. Finally bought a new dvd player.
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