E-Book reader wanted

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Hi folks, like many of u, I too have a vast collection of e-books over myriads of topics and formats so want to know few things about e-book reader.

  1. What format does it supports? .pdf, .chm, .html, .doc, .txt, does it supports all these?
  2. In case of pdf document, does it shows all type of pdf docs like e-mags and e-books or just only the legally bought ones with their digital signatures and all?
  3. Whats its avg. size and weight?
  4. Does it comes with in-built browser and Wireless connectivity?
  5. Has any e-book reader been hacked yet for Home brews?
  6. Most important of all, COST. What is the cost and availability here in India?

I know some questions of mine maybe n00bish to u all but please respond. :ashamed:
I have seen a Sony reader with my friend. Its supports regular pdfs (not just legally bought) as well. The model he had doesn't support chm.
Barnes and Nobel's Nook is the hottest property but outta stock commodity. Supports loads of format and WiFi. Dual screen with a smaller colored touch screen. Asus DR-570 will also be out soon. Its a full color e-book reader.
The best option would be to wait for a few more months. There are quite a few readers scheduled to release sometime this year, including the ones from Asus and Samsung, as well as the Notion Ink Adam, which would be based on the Android platform. Amazon might also launch a new version of the Kindle.
This list compares all e-Ink devices in the market.

Personally, I feel this is one misunderstood market making things difficult for consumers...Manufactures are not quite sure about the market and bring up all these laptop clones which overlooks possibly every aspect that would have otherwise made a simple and cheap device :(
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