I am in US for some time and i was extremely lucky to be able to attend the E3. Here are some pics:
Picasa Web Albums - montylee - Electronic En...
For me, the following games stood out:
1) God of War 3: Nothing to say about this one. Sony had a big demo of this and the line to play this was pretty long.
2) Uncharted 2: Amazing game. This will be a winner for sure. Graphics are simply drop dead awesome. Gameplay is superb.
3) Splinter Cell: Conviction: Looks and plays pretty good. Although it's only on XBOX360
4) Batman: Dark Asylum: Looks pretty good. Gameplay is pretty good too.
In addition to the above, Fight Night Round 4, NFS:Shift also looked pretty good. But the racing game i liked the most was Disney Studio's Split Second. It was pretty cool, similar to Burnout series but still quite different.
Picasa Web Albums - montylee - Electronic En...
For me, the following games stood out:
1) God of War 3: Nothing to say about this one. Sony had a big demo of this and the line to play this was pretty long.
2) Uncharted 2: Amazing game. This will be a winner for sure. Graphics are simply drop dead awesome. Gameplay is superb.
3) Splinter Cell: Conviction: Looks and plays pretty good. Although it's only on XBOX360
4) Batman: Dark Asylum: Looks pretty good. Gameplay is pretty good too.
In addition to the above, Fight Night Round 4, NFS:Shift also looked pretty good. But the racing game i liked the most was Disney Studio's Split Second. It was pretty cool, similar to Burnout series but still quite different.