E71 Nokia

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A friend of mine is looking for Nokia E71
White colour....
is it still avaiable???
Lemme know if yes n where... how much

Thanks in advance
Im personally using a E71

Need it for a friend...

He wants a WHITE only....

Its not avaiable here in Vizag...

can anyone on TE check and confirm in their city?
The E71 in white looks classy and it's still available. maybe you didnt find it in your locality as the white colour is not very common and in demand.

I just saw one today at Jumbo electronics , Inoribt mall ,Mumbai(vashi). cant recollect the price.
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I too bought one white E71 for a friend from Coimbatore for 16.5 k. The manufacturing date was Sep,09. So Yes, it is still available from Nokia.
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