E72 Maps Query

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My friend just got herself a Nokia E72.
I was told by my colleague that Nokia Maps is free for life and free voice assist for 2 months.

Is this true ?

How does this work ? He told me that you can manually download the maps to the phone that means that you wouldn't have to use GPRS data.

Can somebody pls help.
yup. the maps are free for life. so u can use the map n get ur current location speed etc.

u do not need gprs for gps. download the nokia pc suite n upload the maps from there.

most high end phones with gps come with 1-3 month trial service where u get voice guidance and directions. there after u have to pay for it.

unless u use google maps or some other app for gps, gprs will not be required.
Just my two cents.

I feel that Google maps is better than Nokia maps. The find places on nokia maps is good but Google maps is much more comfortable and I felt that the directions and "current location" updates are better in Google maps.

And google maps too is free.
In nokia maps one can download maps to the phone and use it for navigation without spending for gprs, which is not possible with google maps, but nokia maps are not as detailed as google maps, the solution is MGmaps which is better than both nokia n google maps.
MY Query is how do I use is it ? and how long does it take ?

After starting the maps application what do I have to do ?
u need to download nokia maps updater.(on your pc)

when u run the updater it will install few supporting applications to the phone & also install the region maps to the phone(tat u select)..

it may be ~80mb or so for india map...
after doing what ComradE_BeaN said,

usually when u start nokia maps, it shows u ur previous location, until it gets a connection to the gps satellites. after tht it will show you ur location.

getting a signal lock can take anything from a minute to 5 minutes.

besides all this wht u need to kno is, by default the trial of 2/3 months tht u have, is not activated. to activate it you need to go to licenses in the maps menu n activate it.

you can activate it anytime. i activated the trial on my old n85 9 months after buying it.

once that is done, in the menu u have the option "get directions to" or something like tht. use tht n u'll be on ur way.

hope this helps.
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