EA comes with new background downloader


What is EA downloader?
EA downloader is a lightweight PC application (approximately 5MB) that downloads EA games in the background. It keeps you up-to-date with the latest patches, trailers, and new game content without requiring login every time you play. And it’s free!

EA downloader offers easy downloading, auto-patching, pre-ordering for new games & content, no additional disks required to play, and game replacement. In short, EA downloader ensures that your game never wears out by delivering the latest content dir

What do you mean by ‘pre-load’?
Pre-loading means you purchase the game in advance and complete the download process before the release date. So the game is already loaded onto your PC. You can install and play the moment the game goes on sale in stores.

MORE : http://downloader.ea.com/
hmm.... all the I hate steam members say I to this one as well...lol

but got to see it before making any comments, if its anything close to what steam is, then zzzzzzz.....