EA contest is back!!

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Anyone here is Ordering? I am thinking of going for BF3. Should I? :bounce:

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BTW the price of BF3 is same as that @Flipkart
Altair said:
Anyone here is Ordering? I am thinking of going for BF3. Should I? :bounce:

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BTW the price of BF3 is same as that @Flipkart

Yeah EA has made it a rule for all retailers to sell their product at full MRP. No discounts. Flipkart has found a loophole with FIFA 12 where they are shipping you a free pendrive on pre-order
viralbug said:
Battlefield 3. To pre-order or not to. :S

Lol..Actually i was about to pre-order from flipkart then i saw this thread and OP saying the price is higher but then i logged into flipkart and found that it has the same price urgh..so it doesn't matter anyways i ordered it from flipkart. :D
thegame said:
Sad that they have increased the PC games prices by Rs.500 recently :(
nanoneo said:
Yeah EA has made it a rule for all retailers to sell their product at full MRP. No discounts.

Yea I'm noticing this trend and I do not like this. :( Until a few months back, we used to get new releases for Rs. 700 and sometimes even Rs. 500. Now all of them have increased to Rs. 1000+. This is not good. If they continue this, I guess most people would just go back to piracy or just wait for steam sales.
pretttt said:
Yea I'm noticing this trend and I do not like this. :( Until a few months back, we used to get new releases for Rs. 700 and sometimes even Rs. 500. Now all of them have increased to Rs. 1000+. This is not good. If they continue this, I guess most people would just go back to piracy or just wait for steam sales.

Unlike people who wait for sales and prices to drop, i only get the game that i wan't, and i usually do not see the price! And that is how it should be, lol. But i don't get more than 10 games a year.
I think it's just EA whose increasing the prices.

Other games are still around 850-900 range. LA Noire is for 600 in pre-order. But then Rockstar always sells it for cheap here.

If BF3 was for <=1000 bucks I would have ordered it right away. Right now I'm out of cash after the PC upgrade. :(
you are not alone many of my friend didn't listened me back then now i am laughing and they are cursing me :D

But in the end we are gamer money can't stop us might slow us down little bit ;)
sorry guys for not being clear in my first post, Rs.500 increase is from the normal 999 price.. even i saw BF3, FIFA12 and NFS at 999 in nextworld.in few months back and should have ordered that time itself.. anyways i won't be going for BF3 as it doesn't support good old XP (no DX9 support) and am currently using a genuine copy of XP so first have to get Win7 (genuine -- a big doubt :))

For the contest sake, may go for FIFA12.. again will check the demo and if its not the worth then no other option, have to settle with NFS..

BTW the 1 & 1/2 year old BB:BC2 is available for just Rs.374 @ nextworld.in and flipkart

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nanoneo said:
Yeah EA has made it a rule for all retailers to sell their product at full MRP. No discounts. Flipkart has found a loophole with FIFA 12 where they are shipping you a free pendrive on pre-order

Only FIFA12 is selling @ 999 i.e. at full MRP.. not sure why its different from the rest or is it that FIFA games are more popular here in India:)
for the 1.5k you get a steel case and a movie download card from flipkart considering movies are bieng sold at 150rs a pop thats 450rs of content right there also we will be getting back to karkand dlc pack for free so basically we are paying 1.5k for content which is acutally worth 2k i understand why ea is chargin 1.5k for BF3 but i dont know why they are charging the same for NFS the run i see no value in that game any how i just preordered bf3 cause i allways wanted to get a game which comes in a diffrent case than the usual plastinc one :P .i want to get ME3 but if they gonna charge 1.5k for it ill be pretty darn pissed
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