EA Predicts PS3 to Outsell Xbox 360 in 2008

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Electronic Arts expects PS3 to sell better than Xbox 360

Massive games publisher Electronic Arts released estimates placing PlayStation 3 ahead of Xbox 360 in sales throughout 2008, reported GamesIndustry.

According to the publisher, Sony’s console will make major gains in Europe, where it expects between 5 and 6 million PlayStation 3s sold in the year. In contrast, EA thinks the Xbox 360 will sell just 1.5 to 2.5 million units.

EA believes that PlayStation 3 will be able to tie the Xbox 360 in North America, both selling 4.5 to 5.5 consoles each in 2008. With Europe and North American numbers combined, however, the PlayStation 3 is expected to take a 3.5 million sales lead for the year.

While EA is betting on the PlayStation 3, the games company has had its share of challenges developing games for the system. Several of its sports titles, such as Madden NFL and NHL, run at smoother framerates.

At a recent investor conference call, EA CEO John Riccitiello said that developers were “still experiencing some delay on the PS3,†but added that multiplatform games made first on Sony’s system, such as Burnout Paradise, posed fewer problems. “There still remains some catching up to do on the engineering side for the PS3,†said Riccitiello.

Not surprisingly, the Wii is predicted by EA to be the top seller again for the second year in a row, with 12 to 13 million in 2008. The portable systems are also expected to continue high sales, with the DS hitting 14 to 16 million and the PSP to sell 6 to 8 million. The PlayStation 2 will carry out its long tail with 3.9 to 4.9 million.

DailyTech - EA Predicts PS3 to Outsell Xbox 360 in 2008
does not make much difference to be honest. Xbox console sales will slow down a bit now as it already has huge targeted customer base.

Over its lifetime though its highly unlikely that PS3 will end up catching Xbox 360 according to analysts.
learning and developing games of sony is very difficult in comparison to microsoft's xbox/360.sony is bit secretive about their technology and its in opengl.however, in case of microsoft,,game developers r already in tune with similar kind of technology hence learning curve is easy n less painfull..i have not play any game on xbox/xbox360,so i will nt comment on the them..but i think ps3 has lots of possibility is lead in future if sony support n encourgage the developers with some release of great exclusive///i m lil bit inclined towards sony
the point is that developers have become really comfortable with Microsoft's technologies and they can use the same code for PC with Windows and XBOX 360. In case of PS3 they have to take an entirely different route and hence they are reluctant at first. Similar problem has affected game development in Linux, bcoz developers don't want to move out of their comfort zones and develop games for Linux. It also takes more time since they have to code in OpenGL, to which they are not used to.
To be honest even though I bought an Xbox 360 I still like the PS3. I feel it is a better system but it does not have the huge support that Msoft has. Plus the display connectivity options on the PS3 are far below the choices that the Xbox has.

On the PS3 you have only have a choice between a TV or a HDCP compatible LCD TV or monitor ! On the Xbox 360 you can connect practically any damm display available ! Plus the Xbox 360 has a warranty where you can have it picked up from your house. No need to lug it to some far flug repair center.
I just can't figure EA out here...did they just go through a bad deal with M$ side of the fence?

They've been bad-mouthing, making crappy ports for PS3 ever since it released, and now this. Its impossible for PS3 to overtake X360 in sales this year, though what it can do is outsell x360 on a monthly basis pre-post mgs4 release date.
With MGS 4 and FF13 on its way and a more senisble price approach I would be pretty surprised if it doesnt do that. At least in Europe anyway.

America though would be hard. I'd say they will be both neck and neck there.

Next year is when I get one (a PS3). Still waiting for it to go below the 300 US$ sweet spot and have some half decent console exclusives. Motostorm, Resistance and Uncharted are not system seller AFAIAC.
Hehe, I'll be betting this tradition will "almost" be kept up the remaining year :D

Maybe a start of things to come. X360/PS3 aside, I want to see if Wii keeps up the steam this year.

And good to have you back Blade.
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