Earphones & X-Box 360 controller recomendations ?

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well, i'll be buying couple of gadgets soon.

1. Earphones : I need to buy a decent earphone for my mobile but should cost ~Rs. 1500.

2. Next thing i would like to buy is X-box 360 controller for playing on my PC and here too the cost should be ~ Rs 2500.

can someone recommend me these too electronic devices ?

thnx in advance
The Xbox 360 controller is definitely worth the money. The wired version is 1350-1500,the wireless is 2.5k. I've got the wired one and its very good.

Most games are fully compatible with Xbox controller and I've never had to do any tweaking unless for some racing games to suit my driving style.

As for the earphones, if u want bassy earphones, like to listen to hip/hop, pop, techno, u could try skullcandy, soundmagic, or creative.

For listening to metal u'll need more audiophile grade stuff,for better mid range(guitars,vocals) and lower but tighter bass, try sennheiser, klipsch.
get the Sound Magic PL 50 or PL 30 earphones

and yeah a Xbox 360 Controller with the Receiver unit for PC will cost u arnd 2.5k
windstalker said:
As for the earphones, if u want bassy earphones, like to listen to hip/hop, pop, techno, u could try skullcandy, soundmagic, or creative.

For listening to metal u'll need more audiophile grade stuff,for better mid range(guitars,vocals) and lower but tighter bass, try sennheiser, klipsch.
Thanks for ur suggestion, I bought Skullcandy Titan.It is a great buy . . .
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