Easy entry into the US. Why slog and pay exorbitant fees for US college degrees or visas when this way is cheaper?



I watched some youtube videos where Sajid Tarar said these types of illegal entry is not frowned upon by USA because they get more cheap workers from Asia working in their factories. Americans dont like to work in offices and like to work from home and get fat paychecks and prefer desk jobs instead of slogging jobs which asians and mexicans do readily. Plus more people get green card and democrats get vote bank from these people. So looks like such illegal entry is here to stay.
You're an illegal and ripe for exploitation read blackmail. You will never get a green card unless there is some amnesty because it's unfair to those doing it the legal way.

Cheaper isn't always better with that kind of tension. Your life has to be pretty damn awful to even think of going this route.
If they are creating artificial legal restrictions with porous physical barriers, people are bound to find workarounds, its human nature.
When millions from other poor countries can reach there, there is not even open lottery system for Indians, so this is bound to happen.
This creates a system ripe for exploitation, which thrives in hypocrite economic-political theme there.
guess you didn't watch the video. more than 50% get legalized and eligible for citizenship and green card.
After how long?

Where do these stats come from. It takes years to do it legally depending on the state. Imagine how much longer it would be for an illegal.

I've lived in the US and can tell you it does not work like that. You remain in some grey zone limbo as an illegal. If you get caught you end up in a detention camp and subject to deportation.

Personally I know someone that overstayed. Twenty years later her dad doesn't even know if she's alive or not. Why is that if your video says its possible. She could have had a decent life in India but that was not her choice. She was in the 'dreamer' category. Should have worked out but I don't think it did.
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Living like a rat running from police and immigration officials. Doing poor jobs that no one wants to do. No one when you get “home”. You call that living?

I felt so sad seeing all the poor workers from India in the bathrooms in the Dubai airport. Why did you leave India? The bathroom workers in my organisation are so much happier as they have family and other known people and society. I can’t fathom why someone works go to Dubai for working in bathrooms. They had no hope their eyes. It was very sad to see.

America is not heaven. When you have no one to share it with even heaven is like hell. The number one non natural cause of death in America is suicide. Everyone is so lonely. You are even lonelier as an illegal immigrant.
What do you feel when you see Indian sanitary workers working in pstd inducing conditions in Indian bathrooms ? Or those who have to toil in open sewage drains in India to clean ?
Generally, bathrooms in Dubai airports reminds high class facilities provided in some above average Indian hotels.
btw, Most of them probably are from Bangladesh, don't not matter though. Most probably, they are paid / feel better in Dubai, reason why they are there.
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What do you feel when you see Indian sanitary workers working in pstd inducing conditions in Indian bathrooms ? Or those who have to toil in open sewage drains in India to clean ?
Generally, bathrooms in Dubai airports reminds high class facilities provided in some above average Indian hotels.
btw, Most of them probably are from Bangladesh, don't not matter though. Most probably, they are paid / feel better in Dubai, reason why they are there.
No, they are not paid better (compared to the salary/expenditure) in those places. I know that it is a difficult job but someone has to do it. I feel that they should be paid a lot. Just like kindergarten teachers. I think they should be paid the highest among teachers but they get paid the least. I think salaries should be decided by the risk of life, time required and the difficulty of job and how important it is for the upkeep of the society. So, I would put sanitation workers as among the highest paid if I had my way. I think people working on computers, etc. should be paid the least as their jobs are neither important for the society, nor risky (except carpal tunnel and obesity and heart attack), nor really difficult.

But, I don't think Indians should leave everything to go there. Moreover, many people want to come back, but their "sponsors" keep their passports. Moreover, a lot of people have taken debt to go there. So, they find it impossible to return. There is also social pressure not to return. People respect them when they come back to India for a couple of days every year. They live alone in horrible conditions sharing a small room with 3-4 people just to get that imaginary respect for a couple of days.
It's better than dying in a gutter / sewage line in India.
I don't think so. They die there, not necessarily in bathrooms but in construction. (Metaphorically, they die everyday with no one for them with exploiters all around them.) There is no count of the number of people who go and die in middle eastern countries in construction. There is a lot of exploitation in the middle east countries with various kinds of slavery, construction, sanitation, home help. Home help is the worst kind of job in Middle East with all kinds of exploitation and torture. I don't know why anyone would go to the middle east. I am sad that the government doesn't stop it. They don't care. They are happy to send their people to killed as long as they get their sweet forex.
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> I don't know why anyone would go to the middle east.

Since you said Dubai, in UAE alone there are 3.89 Million Indians forming 37.96% of that country's population.
This happens for a reason. Probably, workers from lower rung of the system to those in upper level might be finding it a worthy place. Reason why our PM is visiting that place multiple times too, you know.
Heck, people are standing in queue to reach Israel where there is a war ongoing, bet they will go to Ukraine too given a chance. All that say something.
There is part of India which cannot even afford a packet of biscuit of <Rs.10/-, there are other parts where daily manual labor wage is above Rs.600-700/-.
Seems you need more study on realities on ground in India first, then compare that to places where people immigrate to.
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> I don't know why anyone would go to the middle east.

Since you said Dubai, in UAE alone there are 3.89 Million Indians forming 37.96% of that country's population.
This happens for a reason. Probably, workers from lower rung of the system to those in upper level might be finding it a worthy place. Reason why our PM is visiting that place multiple times too, you know.
Heck, people are standing in queue to reach Israel where there is a war ongoing, bet they will go to Ukraine too given a chance. All that say something.
There is part of India which cannot even afford a packet of biscuit of <Rs.10/-, there are other parts where daily manual labor wage is above Rs.600-700/-.
Seems you need more study on realities on ground in India first, then compare that to places where people immigrate to.
Hope is a powerful motivator. Doesn’t mean it is better.
> Hope is a powerful motivator. Doesn’t mean it is better.

Except that at a time when India was mortgaging it's own family silver and gold, remittances from those countries kept the country up. Even now it does for millions of Indians.
Also, for once, ever wondered why people don't feel great 'hope' in their own country ?
Except that at a time when India was mortgaging it's own family silver and gold, remittances from those countries kept the country up.
Presumably you're referring to the balance of payments crisis in 1991 where gold had to be provided as collateral to avail foreign loans.
Even now it does for millions of Indians.
Don't follow
Also, for once, ever wondered why people don't feel great 'hope' in their own country ?
In the past yes. Less these days. The amount of Indians that want to leave is similar to Americans. Less than 5%. I call this big country mentality. Thinking the whole universe revolves around you.

Meaning for the overwhelming 95% this is the best place to be and that goes back in time a long way. India is geographically isolated and it's people insular for much of history.
> Don't follow

India received $90bn in remittances in 2022, with UAE as second-biggest source

The US, the world’s largest economy, was the biggest source of remittances to India, with a 23.4 per cent share in total remittance flows, followed by the UAE at 18 per cent. The UK was in third place with a 6.8 per cent share and Singapore was fourth with a 5.7 per cent share.

Saudi Arabia, the Arab world’s largest economy, was the sixth biggest source of remittances to India with a total share of 5.1 per cent in total remittances, while Kuwait, Oman and Qatar had a share of 2.4 per cent, 1.6 per cent and 1.5 per cent, respectively.

The total remittance flows during the 2021-22 fiscal year were the highest received by India in a single year, data from India’s Ministry of Finance showed. India’s fiscal year starts on April 1 and ends on March 31.

This remittance have to be from all strata of workers, from sanitary workers to top professionals and businessmen.

Who want to leave vs. who could, is a contrasting topic.
If Indians were freely accepted in other good countries, damn sure a considerable population of this country will immediately vacate.
And in small areas where mass migrations happened, the effects are showing and well discussed locally.
Sometimes, I feel we Indians do grandstanding without fully understanding the real state of affairs in our country.
Who want to leave vs. who could, is a contrasting topic.
If Indians were freely accepted in other good countries, damn sure a considerable population of this country will immediately vacate.
They are if they can secure work visas. There was a time when my passport said all countries except south africa.
And in small areas where mass migrations happened, the effects are showing and well discussed locally.
Sometimes, I feel we Indians do grandstanding without fully understanding the real state of affairs in our country.
People vote with their feet. Since you are following remittance flows. Do the same with estimates of number of Indians in various countries. Sum it up and then compare with total and you will see what I mean.
> They are if they can secure work visas. There was a time when my passport said all countries except south africa.

Yeah, 'if' they can secure work visas. Unlike massive hordes of people those entered USA, majority of them are not even educated. /s
When Indians won't be even given open lottery unlike those same countries.
Only highly educated Indians should apply.
That is "Who want to leave vs. who could".

> People vote with their feet. Since you are following remittance flows.

Applies to every state in India and most states with educated people have massive migration unlike lower educated ones. Uneducated ones are massive group of internal migrants, also doing lowest of low jobs outside India. Remittances flow in very diverse ways, both from foreign countries and within.