eBay India - Coupons & Deals

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One to buy a product for 40k can one share some good coupon Urgently
I have a indus ind bank debit card
how easily you can open an account... And 100balance too. Compared to other banks.

I don't get it.
Other bank are expensive to open any new AC compare to SBI.
But,you will get better opportunities while online shopping.
And what do you mean by '100balance' ?
Please explain.
SBI has 100 minimum balance accounts by defailt.

When i had contacted ICICI ,they said 5000 minimum balance for small cities , and its 10k in metros.

Average monthly balance.

Plus private banks can afford to spend money on advertising and stuff, SBI doesnt.,....
when i opend the account in sbi they needed 1500rs if i opt for check book else 1000 (i dont know how you came to know about 100rs)
I just opened on ein the branch opposite my house.

I got a Master Card Silver debit card. Haven't tried for credit card.
I recharged my vodafone, got a coupon but don't know what its for.
I think they have stopped giving flat coupons, some 7% types......dont knw, let me know if anybody needs it.
I think I have this one.
Never used Cheque yet so its useless feature for me.
Can I upgrade to 'Visa/Master Card+Cheque = 1500'(if any advantage and no extra charge)?

I think they charge a yearly fee for Visa and master cards. I think its 100. Not 100% sure.
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