Whenever selling on ebay keep a margin of 10% as fee deductions, Paisapay Fees is around 5.5 ~ 6 % for computer peripherals, 1% is invoice+other taxes.
In this case you should have kept selling price 6700+600(Fees) i.e 7300, buyer would have a 10% or so coupon which he would apply to get the fees waived off.
But thats how ebay india sucks, I mean if a buyer recives the item on say Friday, you have to wait till monday for remittance & again 2-3 for actual reflection of money in your account. So for an item sold like 7-10 Days back you get paid after almost 12-15 days later.[DOUBLEPOST=1379429187][/DOUBLEPOST]Just in case you dont wish to sell anymore products on ebay, then forget about the invoice dont pay it, even I stopped selling on ebay after my invoice went above 1k. Your account will simply be suspended & later deactivated.