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I want to know the following things:
1.If i study ece can I join the software industry.I know that u can join tcs,wipro etc but can you join microsoft, apple,google,intel.I see facebook,microsoft,amazon and other software companies pay lakhs of rupees at placements...r these guys cse or ece in general

2.What is the average salary ece vs cse,in the same(common) industry and in their respective core industries

3.EEE vs ECE,which is better?
Depends on your preference. I'd say opt for the one which you are interested in.

And salary wise, and scope wise ECE have much bigger scope than CSE.

The openings you see in Facebook, Google and all are BE(not B.TECH.) in CSE / M.Sc(CS) :P

And about joining companies, it depends on what type of job you want to do, or you would do :P

But if you say in general ofcourse a ECE can join Microsoft, Apple, Intel, that's what they need along with CSE's :P

And about Facebook, Amazon, Google I can't say if you work on Core Electronics / Embedded System Design or something like that.

But wait, generally these companies hire B.E. not B.Tech.'s :P

And of course you need lot of potential to get into these companies :P
I don't think there is much of a difference between B.E and B.Tech CSE other than the name of the degree.
My UG college offered B.Tech and Microsoft recruited 3 people with a package of 9.25L in 2009.

- If you are going to do your Engineering from a top notch college like IIT, NIT or similar that gives you campus placements with core Electronics companies like Nvidia, Intel, TI, Qualcomm etc.. then opt for ECE.

If the college that you are joining only have the Indian IT companies like Infy, TCS, CTS etc... for the campus placements then there is no point in wasting 4 years studying electronics since you will end up in one of those companies. They will give more preference to CSE, IT students rather than ECE. So in that case opt for CSE.

P.S: Post is purely based on the UG placement POV.
I think at this point of time ,name of the company matters the most. Well not you fault, most science graduate has the same thinking.

At this point of time, you should opt for a subject which excites you the most,instead of the one which pays you more.

Believe me, there are hell lot of non IT companies who would offer you as good as a IT company. ( How many get into Facebook, MS, Google ?)

At this point the focus should be what you are interested in, rather than the companies.

Good luck. !!
From what I have seen, ECE guys are the most unlikely to get in their own stream/core industry. Mech,Civil, Electrical have a far better chance at that.
Then if getting into IT industry is the aim, why even bother with ECE, go for CS!
can i get into core ece companies after working for IT companies if i dont get into ece core on campus ??Can you get jobs there off campus?
Well, go with your interest, Not with the current trend. Both the streams plays very important role in IT industry. Big companies and manufactures do hire both of them. They will need ECE or Electronics engineers for designing circuits and stuff (don't know much about it) and CSE guys write programs for it. Though I found CSE guys getting jobs earlier (at least here) than ECE or EE. Before regretting your decision, make it wise :) If you have talent and skill, no body can stop you. You will fly higher. :)
well if you are intrested in Public sector then opting ECE will provide better chances as compared to CSE as most of the openings in public sector(BHEL/BEL/CIL/ONGC etc) is for core branches.
ECE - If you are interested in embedded systems, VLSI design, etc. This is the branch to take. Try reading about ECE, it deals more with the hardware side, you could go into Computer Architecture, etc. for a Masters.

CSE - Computer Science, is very different from only programming, there are many concepts and it is challenging. Yes there will be a lot of programming involved and if you like it, you will really enjoy studying the concepts involved behind certain paradigms.

About placements Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc normally favour CSE graduates whereas, Intel, TI, Free Scale, etc. give preference to ECE graduates. Both, have almost the same chances in Network companies such as Cisco, Citrix, etc.
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