Elbow pain :(

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I have got elbow pain, I think because of my sitting in front of the computer for 12-16 hours per day :(. It's been persistent for the past 1 month. My work requires me to work for a minimum of 8 hours.
What do you guys suggest I must do now?
I am willing to go to a ortho doctor if the need be, and you could suggest me good doctor, if you know one in hyderabad:).

This is one of the reasons, I am not on TE that often these days :(
Not really sure but I get back pain when I sit in front of a pc for too long so I get up and walk around for a couple of minutes every hour and it seems to help.

Try googling around on proper seating position and posture as well it should help. Probably your posture is agravating something
how can you get elbow pain doing computer work? do you put pressure on your elbows while sitting on a chair? i sit the same amount of time, so maybe your sitting posture is not right.
Sitting position along with the relative height of table and chair is more to be considered. My carpenter made me a computer table that I am more comfortable to work by standing! I too get elbow pain while sitting and working. Cutting the height will be next to impossible for me as the table is nicely designed of Fore Mica and with cupboard and drawers. so looking a Tall chair.
Every half an hour or so get up and take a small walk. Dont keep on sitting in front of computer for long time. My water bottle at office is small so i have to get up every now and then fill it back. That way i force myself to get up every now and then.

But being in this IT industry backpain and all are bound to happen :@

Also ensure that when mouse is used, try to ensure that the area upto the elbow is lying flat on a surface. Else pain will also start in the ankles.
Make sure your Keyboard and mouse are placed a little lower that your monitor position. If you have computer table that has one of those push and pull keyboard thingy , keep your mouse there as well.

You need to take rest at least every 40 Mins or check online or youtube for some exercises.
yes, me too work atleast 9 hrs in office and 6-7 hrs at home.

Anyways, forget all. Go now immediately and check with an Ortho.

Just 2 days back my colleague was down with pain, right from shoulders till fingers - very severe. He has got bandage and advised to use ergonomic mouse. He was using the tiny mouse that comes cheap for last 4-5 months and that did it.

I'm not sure why there is problem with elbow but get it checked, no chances with health man. Any good Ortho will do.
haraakiri said:
I have got elbow pain, I think because of my sitting in front of the computer for 12-16 hours per day :(. It's been persistent for the past 1 month. My work requires me to work for a minimum of 8 hours.

What do you guys suggest I must do now?

I am willing to go to a ortho doctor if the need be, and you could suggest me good doctor, if you know one in hyderabad:).

This is one of the reasons, I am not on TE that often these days :(

Get married, you wont have elbow pain anymore :P
Start doing hyper-extensions on your bed with assistance from a family member/friend.;)

bottle said:
Not really sure but I get back pain when I sit in front of a pc for too long so I get up and walk around for a couple of minutes every hour and it seems to help.

Try googling around on proper seating position and posture as well it should help. Probably your posture is agravating something
From the suggestions above, I emphasize on the following :

proper seating position and posture

Make sure your Keyboard and mouse are placed a little lower that your monitor position.

Every half an hour or so get up and take a small walk.

Also ensure that when mouse is used, try to ensure that the area upto the elbow is lying flat on a surface.

Problems occur only when repetitive actions under strained circumstances are prolonged without any rest/activity for the affected part of the body.

If the pain is persistent, it's time to seek professional help.
Get a recling seat mate......I had to wear neck support for 15 days after sitting in front of computer for hours during holidays.

And always take a 2/5 min break after 15/30min(must) thts wht I was told.
BTW i was playing when I got my neck support, I wouldnt be so engrossed if I working hehehehehe:ohyeah:
I have elbow pains too which starts around evening... I am trying lot of stretching. Planning to visit a doctor soon.
to the people who want to see a doc ? Why see a doc when u know the reason ?

as far as i remember a fellow member 'neomustdie' is suffering from "Loss of cervical lordosis" because of the long hours on the pc. I clearly remember this cause i had asked him how did he get it. neo mate if u are reading this - how are u healing ! ?

TBH, I suffer from stiff neck and extreme lower back pains. Im 6 feet tall and sitting posture becomes weird in office. lately i have been doing neck yoga exercises to relieve the pain and trust me when u can really hear the muscle go tak-tak-tak u know its getting bad. I spend ~9hrs in the office in front of the screen and then 3 hours back at home......

to keep the knees in shape i walk around 2kms everyday.

last year situation became so bad that stiffness took over the entire body and thats when I hunted a gym that stays open from early morning till midnight and then started going to the gym for light excersises, cardio and stretching sessions. the best part of that was - the night sleep was SO DAMM good! u get exhausted with work the full day and then gym and then when u sleep , its sound sleep!

seeing a doc the docs gonna ask u to maintain the posture....90% of the issue solves there. I openly confess in my case it is because of that. Rather more prior damange appearing now, All rewards of hours of quake and NFS sitting in weird positions :no:

i suggest everyone does the neck excercise it hardly takes 5-10 mins and its really helpful. (dont get freaked out with the noises the neck would make - that clearly would show the stiffness :( , and PS: dont overdo or do it fast and dislocate or snap!)

Result from google : http://www.abc-of-yoga.com/yogapractice/neckexercises.asp
Thanks all for suggestions and concern :). Would try to fix issues with my posture and height adjustments. I have been actually working on the computer for the past 7 years this way and hadn't had any problems. Recently I had to change my mouse as the previous logitech mouse which came with desktop wave combo had to be replaced with microsoft ordinary optical mouse as it had got bad. :(. That too might have been an issue as the current one dosent fit my palm well. Perhaps changing the mouse would help too. Which one do you suggest? I am a casual gamer, mostly spending time writing code and browsing. I am planning to get G9 currently. Do you think it would fit my palm. My palm is a bit large. I am 5 11 tall if that helps you get an idea.
i had shoulder and elbow pains a while back and i did go to the sports doctor.. forgot what they are called ... took a couple of weeks treatment with some magnets and electro therapy ....

two things are must if you are sitting long at computer ....the hand should be straight and well supported and dont get mouse which are too bulky in your hand ....
for the wrist / hand i suggest the following and yes it works!

Carpal Tunnel Exercise | A Easy Way To Avoid CTS | Exercises For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Exercises for Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Video Series | eHow Videos

for people who do NOTHING but home-travel-work-travel-home and the cycle keeps on continuing some form of exercise is a must. And especially if u are exposed to long hours on the computer u need it more.

Lets not forget the 'eyes'. There are drops available in the market called 'Tears Plus'. I have a constant 0.25 number in both eyes from the past 4 years and my last checkup done last year it was still constant. Hence I dont wear specs. However these drops were suggested by the eye doctor for use regularly (read: everyday) before sleeping.

Also every one hour or so , I tend to get up from my working seat and look over the window - far off buildings and close objects. This is needed as the eye gets accustomed to view the screen and gets strained.

Also ensure the brightness / contrast on the work laptop / computer is at its bare minimum - just as needed and sufficient for you to see.
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