PC Peripherals Electric Leak in Cabinet

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Doctor Pen and Scalpel
My 5 yr old Zeb cabinet has been giving me a few shocks for the past few days.Only source for the leak i can find is when i connect the Monitor Port to the VGA port a few sparks fly.So is the leak from the monitor? Or some electrical contact with the motherboard and cabinet? Getting shocks from the Heatsink and Ram too...
^You will get it from almost anything that has a metallic surface and is connected to the PC via any port.

Seems like a classic case of earthing fault. Get it tested by an electrician.

This is surely earthing fault. Check your earthing properly. You can make a separate earthing for your computer connection only. I had faced same issues earlier but now after having separate earthing for only computer connection, the problem has solved.

Oh, another thing, please dont forget to pour a bucket full of salt water(0.5-1kg) near the earthing wire where it entered the ground in every 3-4 months' timeframe.
so its got nothing to do with any motherboard contact with the cabinet or something from the monitor?

forgot to mention its present even when the PC is off
I remember getting electric shock from almost all parts of the pc due to faulty earthing.Its better to get an electrician.He would take just 20-30min.
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