PC Peripherals Electric shock when I touch cabby

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Live eviL
I am getting electified every time i touch my cabby(which is very often)
this was not a problem until i changed surge protector.

old one had 3 pins tht went into main plug. The new surge protector has pnly 2 pins........Big pin is not there.

My monitor and all other components are fine........only cabby is having current all over the place.

CAbinet:antec 900/Stacker 830........both had same issue
Re: Electic shock when I touch cabby


get a 3pin surge protector...

3rd pin is ground (earthing pin)

all the leakage current that is suppose to go through that pin to earth is going through you whenever you touch the cabinet..

wear a rubber footwear and sit on a wooden chair for temporary to avoid shocks... (also make sure you do not touch any conductible material when you touch cabby..)

replace surge protector asap for safety of yourself and pc components
Re: Electic shock when I touch cabby

Mate the third pin is used for earthing. You're now running the PC without earthing. Please turn it off and don't use it till you get a new surge protector with 3 pins, or else don't use surge protector at all, don't continue using it with the current one. Using the 2 pin one will do more damage to your PC than not using one at all. :(
Re: Electic shock when I touch cabby

1) get a 3 pin plugwire.

2) get your entire apartments electrical earthing checked.
Check your electrical wiring ASAP - it is faulty. Although it is not advisable to run the PC without proper earthing but you are not supposed to get a shock with any electrical item even without earthing if your wiring is OK. The earthing is for safety measures - until a fault occurs it has no use. But that does not means that you should skip the earthing.
His electrical wiring is fine.

An SMPS/PSU by design will leak a small amount of current at the input filter stage to the ground terminal. That is why you need to make sure you're using a 3 pin plug and your earthing is fine.

I just realised that even my Cabby is leaking small amounts of current.. esp the PSU ( I opened and checked..)

The PSU is connected directly using a 3 pin plug to the UPS which is also connected to the main socked via a 3 pin plug..

what could be the problem?

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