PC Peripherals Electric shock when touching cabinet

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I recently felt a little bit shock coming from the backside of my Cabinet upper Part where their is PSU , at thee edge (where the fan revolves for the SMPS),I have a frontech caninet with Frontech 500Watts SMPS, I also has earthing in my Electric switch boards, than why I feel little current when touching that side edge.
Make sure:

1. There's proper Earthing where the Electric Socket is connected - If there's not, time to call electrician

2. Use UPS

If you have above 2, than time to get SMPS Repaired :hap2:
You should check the earthing, also try using another power cable for the cabinet in case the cable is faulty.
if you are using any spike guard then try to plug your computer components in main board instead of in spike guard.

and check .... may be its a problem with ur spike guard.... i was also facing same problem....
sometimes i also experience shock from my cell phone whenever it is connected using the USB! Is the reason same or is it my cell phones fault?
use the 3 pin plug.... most of the plugs provided these days are 2 pin, they don't have the earthing pin.... change it..... use a 3 pin plug....
Yes i was having same problem with my cm690 using corsair 620watt psu .... my cable plugged to the main supply had only 2 pins so no earthing ..... hence I got shock ... now im using three pin and its all fine
Many spike gaurd come with only two pin socket or your power cable must having fault if your earthing is proper, never use loose earthing like connecting to fan hook. Earthing so be proper else its of no use.
TEsting for earthing problem is simple, get a light bulb, connect one wire to earth other to live, if it lights up there is no problem. Start with main socket then try with your spikeguard.
make sure you spu power cable and spike guard cable are 3-pin..

i have seen people with those with 2pins..

also check if L and R are reversed.. that may cause current leakage.
Very very Thanks to all of You, I have Numeric UPS digital 600 Plus, Please clarify me what 3-Pin Plug all you talking of I can't understand. Do you saying the cables from the SMPS that connect to the Motherboard ports etc.By the way this problem is occuring now earlier I have not found this current.

Shanpav12 said:
Very very Thanks to all of You, I have Numeric UPS digital 600 Plus, Please clarify me what 3-Pin Plug all you talking of I can't understand. Do you saying the cables from the SMPS that connect to the Motherboard ports etc.By the way this problem is occuring now earlier I have not found this current.


AFAIK This is an earthing problem in the Socket or in the Plug. Get them checked for Earthing:


If both are fine than you must get checked your SMPS. Regarding L & R Reversed.... Sorry... I don't know about it..... :ashamed: but I think Wire of Left Pin/Socket starts touching the right or vice versa :no:
^^ if left and right touch then there will be short circuit and no appliance would work.

its not about Left and Right... its about Line and Neutral

The Line cable is through a switch and the Neutral is generally directly connected...

But incase they are reversed...then the Line get directly connected all the time... thus leaking the current.
madnav said:
^^ if left and right touch then there will be short circuit and no appliance would work.

its not about Left and Right... its about Line and Neutral

The Line cable is through a switch and the Neutral is generally directly connected...

But incase they are reversed...then the Line get directly connected all the time... thus leaking the current.

My Bad :ashamed:
Thank you,for your reply, i ma sending the Photo of the Place where Current shocks come.

And this may be the 3-Pin cable I use
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