PC Peripherals Electric shock when touching cabinet

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The black edge of the above Photo above the Fan ventialtion,

Thanks all of you,sorry for not knowing what is 3-Pin plug as it is obivous.
Shanpav12 said:
The black edge of the above Photo above the Fan ventialtion,

Thanks all of you,sorry for not knowing what is 3-Pin plug as it is obivous.

Shanpav12 said:
Thank you,for your reply, i ma sending the Photo of the Place where Current shocks come.

And this may be the 3-Pin cable I use

No Photo Visible :huh:
buy the line tester from MX to check if the line is faulty. it costs only rs 45, very handly to use. plug it into your wall socket, and the indicators on it will display if the line is faulty for whatever reasons like, L & N reversed, no ground, etc.
Sanjeet Arora said:
sometimes i also experience shock from my cell phone whenever it is connected using the USB! Is the reason same or is it my cell phones fault?

It is earthing problem. Fix it by calling an electrician.

Or lay down a carpet on the ground on to the working area so as when ever you touch your pc you should be standing on the carpet, not on ground.

This way Carpet will cut you off from ground and you will fell no shock any more.
Even I get a shock from almost every metal electric object in my rental home. Guess I need to call the electrician. Reading this thread was helpful!
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