Electronic items for birthday

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Ok my 18th birthday is not far so i was thinking of buying some gifts to myself , what do you ppl recommend [taking in accnt that i hav a gaming rig + psp + ps2 + 5800+portable dvd player+creative zen 4gb ]
1.A nice laptop for 25k + ext hdd nd other accesories = 30k
2.Netbook 15k + 20'' monitor 6.5k + Nintendo dsi 9k = 30.5k
3.Ipod touch 32gb 18.5k + netbook 14k = 32.5k
4.Xbox or ps3 or nintendo wii (which 1) 23k + Benq G2220 7.5k = 30.5k
5.Netbook 15k + ipod 160gb 15k = 30k
Budget - around 30k
Requirement - have fun
Re: Ill be 18

which 32'' lcd is for 22k and yes i have a desktop

touch 8gb is for 12.8k

nd for 11.2k we get xbox arcade if i buy ill buy either pro or core

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thanks for the replies
Re: Ill be 18

yuvi63 said:
Ok my 18th birthday is not far so i was thinking of buying some gifts to myself , what do you ppl recommend [taking in accnt that i hav a gaming rig + psp + ps2 + 5800+portable dvd player+creative zen 4gb ]

1.A nice laptop for 25k + ext hdd nd other accesories = 30k

2.Netbook 15k + 20'' monitor 6.5k + Nintendo dsi 9k = 30.5k

3.Ipod touch 32gb 18.5k + netbook 14k = 32.5k

4.Xbox or ps3 or nintendo wii (which 1) 23k + Benq G2220 7.5k = 30.5k

5.Netbook 15k + ipod 160gb 15k = 30k

Budget - around 30k

Requirement - have fun

since you have a desktop get a smart phone for around 20 k and a benq G2220

you already own a ps2, psp and a gaming pc so if you need it then only get it as you already have many choices for gaming
Re: Ill be 18

yuvi63 said:
i also mentioned i have a nokia 5800

so no new phone for me atleast a year

well if you are satisfied with 5800 then you can go for a netbook and i pod touch instead
ok ill take care in the future

sorry for the mistake

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can any 1 tel me the difference between xbox arcade , core nd pro nd there prices

and also i want to kno the cheapest 24'' full hd monitor
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