Elfy (quickfix glue) on Monitor

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I was opening a tiny tube of Elfy (which has that weird plastic head, that needs to be twisted off). As soon as the plastic came off, the liquid squirted (15-20 random dots) onto my screen. It is solidified to transparent. Now this glue is quite strong, really strong and settles in 2-3 seconds. If it gets stuck between fingers, its quite difficult to pry your fingers apart. How do I remove the darn stuff off the monitor. Since it is transparent I only see the glue if I look at the screen at an angle and if white is being rendered, else it is fine. I tried Mr. Muscle but did not work. The glue is fixed quite firm. Have a feeling it has corroded the top layer a bit, since the glue would have toxins in it.

3 dots hit my cell, which I can live with.
Read the instructions on the top of the small packing that comes. I recall it having some method to remove the elfy. It used to come in a small printed yellow colored box. Haven't used it recently so cant say.
Well it says soak in warm water and scrub off with nail polish remover. Would scrubbing with nail polish remover be fine for the monitor screen..?
if its a crt....then do this

take a piece of cloth sligthly wet with warm water....then place it on the glue spots after try to remove it it should come off as a scalp....

its its a lcd better be cautious with this...
dont scrub as they say.

1) Use a cotton bud to test the nail polish on the non viewing area at a corner (least visible if it goes wrong). Leave the tested area for 2-3 hours.

2) If the area is fine delibrately drop the tiniest possible drop of elfy on the same/nearby non viewing area and again rub using cotton bud soaked in Nail Polish remover. Leave again for 2-3 hours.

3) If steps 1 and 2 run well then remove the original drops.

Its kind of a time consuming method as its low risk as you would be experimenting only with the non viewing area. Soaking in warm water is not an option i guess.

Hope the trick works. Do let me know if it does :)
Something similar happened with me a fortnight ago but the affected area were by spectacles... Tried everything but finally ended up changing the glasses...
You just spoiled your awesome DELL S2409W. Nail Polish remover will remove/dissolve whatever coat(antiglare/matt) you have on your screen. DO NOT contact the nail polish remover to your screen at all. I've seen both an anti-glare screen and my LCD's matt finish getting dissolved and leaving a permanent mark on the screen. The drops u have on the screen will void your LCD's warranty, so you'll have to live with it. Just DO NOT make it worse by using a nail polish remover. No need to experiment as it has already been done and it failed.

Luckily my LCD's panel went bad for some other reason under wrrty. period and I got a brand new panel as a replacement. No idea about the other LCD as it was my friends.
Dont use nail polish remover because it contain Acetone which dissolves plastic. And ofcourse the coatings. But you can try warm to slightly hot water!
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