Elite : Dangerous is coming along VERY NICELY! Have a look guys -

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Elite: Dangerous Release Date – 16th December 2014

The game will be available to buy through the Elite: Dangerous store and can be pre-ordered now.

400 Billion Star Systems
The Galaxy is Yours
Look up to the night sky, your dreams of exploring the stars and the endless galaxies beyond are made real in Elite: Dangerous. Every dot on the vast cosmic starscape of the Milky Way is a star system and within are an amazing mix of planets, moons, asteroid belts, rings, comets or cosmological marvels waiting to be discovered.

The Milky Way galaxy features 400 billion star systems; each one can be explored. Take a hyperspace jump out into the unknown and bear witness to some of the most beautiful natural phenomena in the universe. You could be raked by x-ray bursts from a pulsar or witness stellar flares and coronal mass ejections up close.

Never before has the beauty and scope of our galaxy been so accurately mapped and so completely realized in a virtual world. Every single one of the stars in the real night sky is present in the virtual one, their planetary systems and moons are there just waiting to be explored.

Look up at the exotic night sky from a distant star – possibly be the very first human to see it, in the knowledge that it is real, that is really what you would see from that distant system. Elite: Dangerous creates a sense of wonder based on what is truly out there.

Infinite Freedom
Be Part of the Action
Team up with others on missions or travel alone exploring the expanse of space encountering fellow explorers on the way, Elite: Dangerous offers endless choice in one massively multiplayer online experience.

You can trade for profit between systems, ruthlessly pillage and pilfer at any given opportunity, take part in alliances to bring down planetary economies, tipping the balance of power, or simply explore the open world wonders of the galaxy, together or alone.

The Starship Services facility on each of the huge starports will be your first port of call. You start with little money in a Sidewinder, a small but capable craft, but with ambition and skill you can acquire ever more sophisticated and capable craft and weaponry.

Your first trade is much more than merely padding your bank account - it puts you in the driving seat of your own story.

Your choices can make you wealthy, can make you powerful, and can make you knowledgeable, but can also make you the target of every Elite-wannabe from here to the edge of the galaxy.

Blaze Your Own Trail
Become Elite
The year is 3300 and the human race has entered a golden age of expansion. The invention of fast hyperspace travel has enabled journeys of light years to happen in minutes, resulting in those from the core star systems spreading their presence ever outwards. The cold war that has raged between the Federation and the Empire for years still smoulders, and still can turn hot from time to time. Elsewhere, as the Alliance grows into a powerful coalition of systems, they have forced the older powers to rethink their dominance.

Blaze your own trail through the galaxy, travelling and exploring across vast distances, choosing your allegiances to suit you, and whether to fight for the greater good or take a decidedly opportunistic approach to each situation you are faced with.

Riches, knowledge and fame are there for the taking, but human nature is human nature - so keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Some may call you a friend, a pirate, a bounty-hunter, a smuggler, an assassin, a mercenary, but you are the pilot of your own starship, and that is what matters.

"You have watched and given invaluable feedback and assistance as we have created Elite: Dangerous in the public eye. It has been an incredible experience to be able to share development with such a supportive and enthusiastic community. We thank you for the opportunity and promise that we will continue to engage openly with the extended community of players as we further enhance the Elite: Dangerous experience, both up to and after the release.

You are now only 39 days away from taking the controls of your very own starship and beginning your personal adventure in our incredible, epic, cutthroat galaxy."

System Requirements - Development of the game is ongoing, and so recommended specifications are currently only available for the Beta builds.

Minimum recommended hardware specification* :
  • Direct X 11
  • Quad Core CPU ( 4 x 2Ghz is a reasonable minimum)
  • 2 GB System RAM (more is always better)
  • DX 10 hardware GPU with 1GB video ram
    • Nvidia GTX 260
    • ATI 4870HD
  • Internet connection
Supported Operating Systems:
  • Windows 7.x
  • Windows 8.x

*Minimum hardware specifications for the final game may be lower as further code optimizations are completed.

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