Encoding Video: xvid vs h.264 @ what bitrates?

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so which codec is better for encoding videos/dvd content etc?

Also, what is an acceptable bitrate to preserve decent quality? :)
All suggestions welcome.

Content to be viewed on normal monitor screen (19" - 1400X900), NOT on a PMP.
I'd say go w/ AVC and since you'll be viewing it on 1440x900, stick to 720p.
~4500-5000kbps shd be good enough.

What format would you be transcoding from?
m0h1t said:
I'd say go w/ AVC and since you'll be viewing it on 1440x900, stick to 720p.
~4500-5000kbps shd be good enough.

What format would you be transcoding from?

Errr...I am actually looking for smaller file sizes. wont 5000kbps be really really large? :ashamed:
Well thats upto you bro.. A 90min video encoded at ~5300kbps would turn out to be ~3.3GB
Do a trial encode for a size you're confortable with, say you have 10min video and what it to be under 250mb.

10min = 600secs
BitRate=(256000/600)*8 = 3413kbps

AVC has better compression/IQ but will prolly take longer to encode..
I use H.264/AVC, and usually use 1000-1500 (sometimes 2000 for heavy motion content like action, racing movies etc.) KBPS bit-rate, depending on the content. I usually stick to 480P, very rarely 720p. On my 1680x1050 resolution, the results are pretty good.

Of-course, depending on your preferences regarding the video resolution, your mileage my vary. :)
iGo said:
I use H.264/AVC, and usually use 1000-1500 (sometimes 2000 for heavy motion content like action, racing movies etc.) KBPS bit-rate, depending on the content. I usually stick to 480P, very rarely 720p. On my 1680x1050 resolution, the results are pretty good.

Of-course, depending on your preferences regarding the video resolution, your mileage my vary. :)

my preferences arent that high end :) Need to save space though ;)

Will probably give h.264/1500 a shot and post back :)
@Techie_007: Which software you're using for encoding?

Space is one criteria for me too, so I try to balance between good quality and file-size. In my personal experience I found that some movies (drama, comedy etc) which don't have lot of fast motion and visual flair, look pretty good in H264/AVC at even 800mb size (720 width, loose anamorphic AR with AAC stereo sound). When I'm encoding action or effect-laden movies and I require 5.1 sound, I set the target size to 1500mb (or 2000mb in rare cases).

Oh... I forgot to mention, I use Handbrake.
I thought you were damn busy with your MBA classes... did you flunk? ;)

BTW, MediaCoder can do the stuff for you as it usage ffmpeg which will do all the work for you.

Whatever you do, if you need go quality, maintain minimal double pass encoding. And yeah go for x264 if you can.

@iGo: Using mediacoder. encoded some stuff at h.264/1500bitrate/128kbps MP3 vbr. Seems good enough for me. I use normal 2.1 speakers so audio not a big deal.

@LT: oh well, we MBAs need our entertainment too :P + u know how it is, when you are busy, even more stuff to watch keeps piling up ;) Hence the space issues :)
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