Car & Bike Enfield Bullet or Avenger 200?

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I'm looking to buy a touring bike, which can take trips of 1000km+. Going by what ppl say on xbhp I've zeroed in on

Bullet Electra 350

Bajaj Avenger 200

What i need

1. Comfort

2. Reliable ride

3. Power

Bullet is pretty solid here. And can take the tours. But there are many small problems(oil leak and stuff like that). Straight sitting posture is my last option. I'd rather modify the bike heavily to make it a chopper.

Now ppl say its better to leave things at stock than rigging it :(

Am not getting much feedback from avenger 200 owners who have done long rides (I dont mean 2-300 kms ride, much longer) running it few days. If the engine can take the speed 80 -100 for long time, without getting screwed for life.

Please advise :)
hmm i think you should go with the bullet ...have no idea about the new avenger 200 ..but from what i know ..the old avenger aint that good for long cruise trips...

also one of my neighbor got the enfield thunder bird ..and he uses it to commute almost 35-40 km+ daily..and he says its very comfortable compared to the other bullets...cause the thunderbird has a kind off cruise bike like seating ...and handle..

not exactly what you are looking for 1000 kms + but i guess it still helps...

do checkout the bullet thunderbird too...

whatever u decide..go for a royal enfield ..i would say stay away from ..avenger...unless someone says its really improved..
One thing i forgot to mention...My height 5'4" isn't suited well for a bullet. so I'll have to change few things in the Tbird. Its too high for me. Will have to fit an avenger rear tyre into it and change the handle bar too. Also I hate sitting with straight back on a std bullet.

By 1000km I mean really long rides...covering few states. I have rx 135 for daily ride to work.
Arya said:
One thing i forgot to mention...My height 5'4" isn't suited well for a bullet. so I'll have to change few things in the Tbird.
In that case, stick to the Avenger 200. I've ridden both bikes and can confidently say that if you don't like the feel on the Bullet, don't get it.

Besides, the Avenger has a much more comfortable seat, handles better and will give you better FE as well.
Yeah! I'm not a bullet fan. I was looking at it coz I dont have many options available. Any idea hows the engine? If it can take the beating of long rides?
Bullet FTW... I've got Electra 350 and it's amazing ride. Although I haven't taken her for long ride as yet. My brother keeps riding her to long distances and it's been pleasure always. :)
Long rides=Bullet. Have you ever even heard of an Avenger making it for even 200-300 kms? Thats where the power of the engine comes into play. A 350cc Bullet can keep at 80kmph for an hour or two at a stretch. I doubt the Avenger can even come close. If you're planning on long rides, go for the Bullet. Oil leaks etc. are minor discomforts compared to a blown engine in the middle of nowhere. Also, the annual Royal Enfield Himalayan Oddessey should be witness enough to the reliability of Bullets. :)
Arya said:
Yeah! I'm not a bullet fan. I was looking at it coz I dont have many options available. Any idea hows the engine? If it can take the beating of long rides?
No idea of long rides, but I found the power delivery on the Avenger, especially in the lower RPM's to be much smoother. You can't beat the sheer brute low-end torque of the Bullet, but it doesn't seem to feel underpowered atleast.
ajish65 said:
Long rides=Bullet. Have you ever even heard of an Avenger making it for even 200-300 kms? Thats where the power of the engine comes into play. A 350cc Bullet can keep at 80kmph for an hour or two at a stretch. I doubt the Avenger can even come close. If you're planning on long rides, go for the Bullet. Oil leaks etc. are minor discomforts compared to a blown engine in the middle of nowhere. Also, the annual Royal Enfield Himalayan Oddessey should be witness enough to the reliability of Bullets. :)

sorry, negative post there.......avenger making 200-300 ? man , even a Hero Honda Splendor would do that , i'm my early days of biking - I used to go off - roading on the splendor! <-- yea...rajmachi ! ....if thats not enuf , doing mumbai - mahableshwar - mumbai on a "splendor" , until i upgraded to the pulsie , the spendor would handle most of the trashing...I know for sure the Avenger would handle things preety well....I have nothing against the bull its a gr8 bike , just the facts that u have mentioned are wrong.......

coming to the main point , dude if ur 5 feet 4 , then Avenger is the way to go , buying a bike and then modding it just to get u accustomed to it is a no go ....also i have noticed , if u have those lean body types - the bull will 'give' u a hard time handling & riding is a bit uncomfy........... ( personal choice again) ........i would opt for the avenger in this situation ....
I'd prefer the enfield. Bullets arent that bad when it comes to reliability as the other online forums say it is :)
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