ep630 or anything better ..

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Hi guys .. my current piece of ep 630 are having some problems .. was gifted by my bro..

so i am looking for a new one for my n82 ..
should i get the same or . any better options available .preferabbly in ear ones only . i prefer those for noise cancellation ..upto 2-2.5k ..
nVidiaBeast said:
possibly a duplicate piece u got :lol:

not duplicate .. it was a original one .. used it for last 6 months .. though bought without bill . spoiled it cos of bad handling .. has no warranty ..

anyways . moto s9 is not as good as ep 630 .. atleast that's the case with n73me and n82 ..
I have bad handling too.. wires tangle all the time and its in my poskcet 8 hours a day.. using it since a year still nothing happened.. :)

yeah.. nokia sucks at audio quality really.. HTC Touch + S9 rox! i will post a review of S9 possibly tomorrow.
Hey dude! I ahd the same problem with TWO of my EP-630s! Both were bought from the two GOs here (so, they are genuine). The first one's right bud is out right dead and the 2nd ones right bud is at a p[ermenent half volume.
to be exact .. mine is not completely dead .. but the volume from left earbud is almost half of the right one .. so it seems that the whole volume is coming from the right one ..hence looking for brand new ..as this was a gift .
to be exact .. mine is not completely dead .. but the volume from left earbud is almost half of the right one .. so it seems that the whole volume is coming from the right one ..

Why don't you consult an ENT (Ear Nose Throat)......probably your ear might have to be replaced :) :P
abhisheksahas said:
Why don't you consult an ENT (Ear Nose Throat)......probably your ear might have to be replaced :) :P

hee hee.:tongue: .. dont find it funny:@ .. dont post crap .. have any suggestions .then post .. dont post stupid things ..
for canal types EP-630 seems to be the choice. If you can spend more and can source it from outside, you can get better ones. For now I think EP-630 would be the best bet.
i have the same problem with my ep630..... i think il just buy the same phones again r if i can maybe get the cx300-ear canal phones from senn.... im not sure of the price... i read somwere that its for around 2k... can anyone tell me how the cx300 is..... pls im going to buy either one in a few days.........
seems like its ep 630 .. will get it from alpha for 850rs ..

also bit offtopic .. but the org earphones shipped with n82 sound pretty good .. although not as good as ep 630 .. but they are way better than what we get with n73me .. also they sound louder than ep 630 as well as moto s9 when used with n82 ... almost as loud as my modded k750i sounded after the volume patch .. which was very loud indeed ..
Guys how many of you have had problems with EP 630?? I am having second thoughts of buying them from Saiyan's GO.. why didn't you ppl go for a warranty?
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