EP630 vs W810i in-ear fones?!?!?!

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Hw does the above contenders fair head-to-head???

I've the latter...

Hope d EP630 does make some diff while gamin n sense...

Anyone who've both of 'em... Hw did ya feel???
Theres a lot of difference between them..
ep 630 wins hands down.. w810i in-ear is gd w/o eq and ep 630 needs some eq to sound great. it is better in every aspect ..bass,mids and highs, better isolation too..
also w810i in-ear sounds crap when connected to PC.

EP 630, every time. I've compared em back to back, and the EP 630 plays louder, cleaner , and with more full bodied bass.

i wouldnt recommend them for gaming though, get a pair of HP 805's for that !
Difference in Impedence makes them perform differently

Eg: EP 630 can draw more power from a PC but will be able to draw certain amount from W810i. Where as the W810i in-ear are meant to get the optimum from the handset and when connected to PC cannot give higher result.

This is my theory...I might be wrong..dunno..
shadyrocker08 said:
Difference in Impedence makes them perform differently

Eg: EP 630 can draw more power from a PC but will be able to draw certain amount from W810i. Where as the W810i in-ear are meant to get the optimum from the handset and when connected to PC cannot give higher result.

This is my theory...I might be wrong..dunno..

Congrats shady...my lesson on impedance wasn't lost on you :hap2:
Ohh :ashamed: i just noticed, its "Impedance" and not "Impedence"...sorry for the typo guys.

Interesting read::thumb:
Generally speaking, the lower the headphones' electrical impedance (a.k.a. resistance), the easier it is to get higher volume. But here again, the low impedance is no guarantee of high volume capability; other factors can still limit loudness potential. Since many MP3 players have feeble power output--the iPod is a notable exception--smart shoppers should check the loudness before purchasing any pair of headphones. To be sure, listen with your player.

More at Headphone features and terminology - CNET headphone buying guide - CNET reviews

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