Components of the hardware may have failed such as the memory chip, the processor or motherboard. It may also indicate problems in video or disk adapters or device driver incompatibility issues,this STOP error usually results from the faulty installation of System Services, BIOS firmware or device drivers. It can also be caused by incompatible virus scanners or backup tools.Sometimes viruses or the anti-virus software that is running on the computer may cause problems.Third party software applications such as device drivers may also have software bugs which access unprotected or restricted memory. Sometimes the name of the application or driver that caused this problem will be displayed on the screen immediately after the STOP error information
1) First clear all external device drives of CDs, DVDs, Floppy disks, etc. Verify that your hardware is compatible with the operating system.
2 )Remove all external peripherals such as printers, faxes, cameras, network adapters, sound cards, and serial cards, other USB devices, etc.
3) Try to restart the computer. If you cannot restart it using the mouse or keyboard options, shut down the computer by pressing down the manual Power button for a few seconds. When the computer has completely shut down, press the button again to restart the computer.
4) As the computer restarts, press and hold the F8 key before the Windows Logo appears.
5) Tried to go to safe mode and do a system restore else boot from a Windows Disk get inside recovery console and do a chkdsk/r it should resolve the issue
6) After chkdsk is over try adding hardware one by one and check after adding what peripheral the issue occurs (its usually the Video Card gone bad either due to bad installation of driver )
PS: Follow all the resolution steps in the order given .Happy Troubleshooting