sister(7th std) needs to write a good essay on "SAVE OIL AND NATURAL GAS FOR A BETTER TOMORROW " in short something explaining the importance of oil and other resources and the need to preserve it to avoid crisis ..
i tried my level best to give her all info i could give from WIKI..and other google searches..even referred some essay books..but still she isnt getting what she really wants..and is eating my head
to get more out from the internet...
so please please can some one search for a good essay on the above topic and post the link b4 tomorrow morning..please ??
i tried my level best to give her all info i could give from WIKI..and other google searches..even referred some essay books..but still she isnt getting what she really wants..and is eating my head

so please please can some one search for a good essay on the above topic and post the link b4 tomorrow morning..please ??