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Analog Vibes
Herald sister(7th std) needs to write a good essay on "SAVE OIL AND NATURAL GAS FOR A BETTER TOMORROW " in short something explaining the importance of oil and other resources and the need to preserve it to avoid crisis ..

i tried my level best to give her all info i could give from WIKI..and other google searches..even referred some essay books..but still she isnt getting what she really wants..and is eating my head:@:@ to get more out from the internet...

so please please can some one search for a good essay on the above topic and post the link b4 tomorrow morning..please ??
hmm, she might wana take different approach on this essay.

Oil and natural gas is dead property. will last for very short time in future human race. The aspect to look for is , saving fuel wont make too much difference in future when it comes to lasting energy source, its gona run out soon enough. but saving fuel will make less impact on environment. The future is alternative energy sources only. The oil and natural gas are both dying and limited resources which will not come back in near future. But using those is having a huge impact on our natural environmental balance.

Take this point and develope on that. If teacher is even half sensible, the essay will be apperitiated.

Everyone is going to write same thing otherwise.
lol today i was reading papers and it mentioned there is a strong chance of oil going below 50$ per barrel...and u want to save oil...really quite a confusing stuff according to present what a situation
Funky said:
hmm, she might wana take different approach on this essay.

Oil and natural gas is dead property. will last for very short time in future human race. The aspect to look for is , saving fuel wont make too much difference in future when it comes to lasting energy source, its gona run out soon enough. but saving fuel will make less impact on environment. The future is alternative energy sources only. The oil and natural gas are both dying and limited resources which will not come back in near future. But using those is having a huge impact on our natural environmental balance.

Take this point and develope on that. If teacher is even half sensible, the essay will be apperitiated.

Everyone is going to write same thing otherwise.

hey tht was really really nice..of ..u ... so nice tht u wrote it u r self...

thanx 4 it..:)

looking for some more information...
With his eye-opening website, Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash, Matt Savinar helped make Peak Oil the breakout issue of 2004 while becoming one of the most sought after and extensively quoted commentators on what may be the most important issue facing humanity today.

Now, with The Oil Age is Over: What to Expect as the World Runs Out of Cheap Oil, 2005-2050, Savinar provides you with an brutally-honest and unabashed analysis of what to expect as the world enters an era of permanent oil scarcity.

Engaging, thorough, and easy-to-read, The Oil Age is Over is sure to become a must-read for everybody from Wall Street executives to Berekely environmentalists, blue-state liberals to red-state conservatives, and anybody else concerned about what to expect and how to prepare for end of the oil age.



hope this too help though little hi-fi may be
^^^ yeah very much true..but help appreciated...

...but really cant say cauz of-

CBSE board..they got such fat books..i can never think of studyin them at tht level..glad tht my mom got me into state board..though my sis manages tht high level some extent..but still need a essay not very hi-fi and not very childish...
arra na yaar...i meant the analysis the gal can use......whats happening and what rate and all plus it suggest alternatives an whts the reason of extinction and all...i did not said to plagiarised it...lolz
^^ guys..dnt u think when i am not able to find any related articles on sis will almost find it do it ..and i did tell her to tht but she was like i just dnt understand these things...

anywayz MODS Please close the i made my sis write the essay herself..wid some points..and outline tht i gave her !
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