Ethernet printer to Wifi printer?

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I've changed my printer to Samsung M2876, but the RJ45 port in that machine is broken. So I've setup cups in RPI 2(512MB) and connected the printer using usb. But the printing in this way is very slow, sometimes it takes few minutes to start printing depends on the document. I think RPI is doesn't have enough processing power for the printing. I had old hp chrombox lying unused, so i installed GalliumOS and setup CUPS again. Here printing performance is better than RP2 as expected. But still it cannot match the speed of native network printing directly processed by the printer. So i setup RAW printing in the CUPS and in windows clients, directly installed the printer driver. So the print job is processed by the windows clients itself and then sent to CUPS for further printing as RAW job. As expected here, the printing is almost instantaneous.

So now the question is, how the same RAW printing task can be achieved from Android and IOS devices? I did install Samsung print service from play store, but its not helping.

Anyone has experience in setting up the printer as RAW in CUPS and successfully printing from mobile devices?

If you can, get the RJ45 port repaired. I doubt its gonna cost much
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