Every drop of butter we consume reduces our lifespan: What are some alternatives we can use

peek retard moment right here folks.
For once you have to learn to calm your tits when you are talking with other people in a public forum. Most the the times, you comments go acerbic without any need to be so.
You mocked with 'trust me bro', but you cannot decipher and accept a simple table from wikipedia. Because it goes against your views.
my man here can't be bothered to verify his facts, and when someone points that out just defaults to his basic instincts
Yeah, calm your tits you little shit and talk sense. Isn't that your language in general ?
P.S. since you are fine with Wikipedia articles and don't consider them "propaganda", here's an article for you on deep frying https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_frying, go read the first paragraph here and then go look at the smoking point of olive oil in your link ; )
Some studies have found that deep frying in olive and sunflower oils has been found to be less of a detriment to health and in some cases have positive effects on insulin levels.[82] Oil can be reused a few times after original use after straining out solids.[20] However, excessive use of the same oil can cause it to break down and release compounds into the food that may be carcinogenic, affect liver health, or influence the body's ability to absorb vitamins. Some European countries have set public health standards for the safety of frying oil.[90]

We are living in India, we have better options in India than olive oil. And deep-frying methods may also vary depending up on regions.
Again, that statistical table from the very source you shown, ordered by higher values helps.
And learn to talk decently.
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peek retard moment right here folks. my man here can't be bothered to verify his facts, and when someone points that out just defaults to his basic instincts
P.S. since you are fine with Wikipedia articles and don't consider them "propaganda", here's an article for you on deep frying https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_frying, go read the first paragraph here and then go look at the smoking point of olive oil in your link ; )
Hello, it is possible to modify wikipedia as an editor. Yes wikipedia had been compromised to contain propaganda information or also they had remove information on government requests before. Im not saying it is totally biased but it can happen..
Yes wikipedia had been compromised to contain propaganda information or also they had remove information on government requests before.
Yep, there were several talks about how wikipedia is being modified as per wishes of those who want to control masses.

But in this specific case, he only have to sort the table in descending order which will show oils with higher smoking point first. Many options which are available in India on top, olive oil middle-lower middle. Why to take this non-necessary expensive option when we have better option here, like sunflower, peanut, mustard oils, etc.
Yep, there were several talks about how wikipedia is being modified as per wishes of those who want to control masses.

But in this specific case, he only have to sort the table in descending order which will show oils with higher smoking point first. Many options which are available in India on top, olive oil middle-lower middle. Why to take this non-necessary expensive option when we have better option here, like sunflower, peanut, mustard oils, etc.
Really bro, mustard and sunflower oil are good for health. But anything excessive is bad, even drinking excessive water can kill you..
Yep, obviously we are talking about normal usage here.
Am not against oilve oil, have a comparatively costly bottle which I consume raw, use as salad dressing, etc.
For deep frying, I use other better options.
Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is the best IMO. Especially as salad dressing. I use Del Monte one but have tried Borges and Jivo as well. May I ask what's better for deep frying?
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Oils with higher smoking point. Better find one which is used in your region.
Sort for higher values: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Smoke_point_of_cooking_oils
Yes, olive oil is good for salad dressing, sauteing, etc.
We used to use sunflower refined oil but switched to ricebran recently. Mustard oil has a very noticeable smell and taste to it so I avoid using it for deep frying. I should try soybean oil sometime. It's high up on the list. Although we shouldn't judge the oil based on smoking point alone because I can see palm oil is quite up on the list and it's not really a good oil for use.
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@YeAhx smell of mustard oil goes away after cooking, sesame oil is good, people add sunflower oil to pure peanut oil which is good.
Avoid palm oil, considering it's environmental impact on nature itself which is quite serious.
@YeAhx smell of mustard oil goes away after cooking, sesame oil is good, people add sunflower oil to pure peanut oil which is good.
Avoid palm oil, considering it's environmental impact on nature itself which is quite serious.
For me I can still taste it. It's good for frying snacks like potato chips because it gives good flavour to it but that's it (personal opinion). TIL peanut oil is also known as groundnut oil lol. I will definitely try it.
Try to incorporate 30 mins of low-impact activity at least 5 days a week that gets your heart going, and you'll be good.
Does listening to 30 mins of chipi-chipi-chapa-chapa count?
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My wife buys 5 litres of Freedom Sunflower oil for every month and also buys 1 litre packets of two Rice Brawn oil sachets. Big bottle is for everyday cooking while small packets are for deep frying like chicken fry, prawn fry, mutton fry, fish fry, Brinjal fry, ladies finger fry, cabbage fry, carrot fry, beetroot fry likewise.
My mother and my wife both cooks one curry to mix with rice and one fry to eat as side dish.
Ghee is used sparingly like every month 500grams.
Cow Ghee is best than Buffalo Ghee.
Everyday our maid brings 1 litre of Cow milk for our coffee, tea which we take 2 times. Curd is also made from the same milk. Our maid has 2 cows at her house. She gives to others also where she works. Before we used to buy Avin milk.
Everyday before going to sleep my wife ferments a big bowl of boiled rice mixed with spoonful of curd. In the morning we all eat a plate of fermented curd rice and they go to office and school.
In the morning everybody was eating 1 boiled egg each while I was eating 2 boiled eggs but now stopped due to birdflu scare. In the night all days except sundays idly, upma, dosa, uttapam then on Sundays even nights also chicken and rice.
now people are either dieing by heart attacks, kidney failue, diabetes and cancer which is rising. Our food is poisoned bro, slow poison...
only true for...

Ready To Eat, Big Brand Fast Foods, Cold Drinks or road side artificial color apple, mango, leachy, guava etc. drinks/ice creams etc.
Feel free to buy from local road side (but honest & old) fast food moderately, stay away if he/she convert (associate) with some brand.

Roadside grilled/fried etc. non-veg item, chinese behl/pakoda/manchuriyan/Soup etc. are unhealthy, but people buy it like crazy.
.. and now KICHDI culture is developed in food industry ... add cheez, next add butter, next add Mayonnaise, next add dahi, next add imli, next add chilli, next ad chilli flax, next add shezwan and keep adding whatever is available with seller or in store.. all this mixing is also creates health issue compare to plain 2-3 mixtures.

Drink Buttermilk, Lassi from reputed seller in moderate.
For summer, do not eat watermelons that have dark red color & sweet beyond expectations (may be with artificial sweeteners injected)

Note: As per Traditional Indian Ayurveda, you can't eat everything any time or anything every time (Season, Day time, Night Time, Geographical restrictions are there in Ayurveda), there is also Viruddh Ahar (means one should not eat certain things with other food items etc. at same time)
Note: As per Traditional Indian Ayurveda, you can't eat everything any time or anything every time (Season, Day time, Night Time, Geographical restrictions are there in Ayurveda), there is also Viruddh Ahar (means one should not eat certain things with other food items etc. at same time)
Out of genuine curiosity, what is the rationale behind this? Some examples?

Hypothetically, why can't I eat fish (type of food) in the summer (season) at 2 pm (time of day) in Europe (as a geographical restriction)?
Out of genuine curiosity, what is the rationale behind this? Some examples?

Hypothetically, why can't I eat fish (type of food) in the summer (season) at 2 pm (time of day) in Europe (as a geographical restriction)?
Probably has to do more with gut health and religion than anything else.
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My wife buys 5 litres of Freedom Sunflower oil for every month and also buys 1 litre packets of two Rice Brawn oil sachets. Big bottle is for everyday cooking while small packets are for deep frying like chicken fry, prawn fry, mutton fry, fish fry, Brinjal fry, ladies finger fry, cabbage fry, carrot fry, beetroot fry likewise.
My mother and my wife both cooks one curry to mix with rice and one fry to eat as side dish.
Ghee is used sparingly like every month 500grams.
Cow Ghee is best than Buffalo Ghee.
Everyday our maid brings 1 litre of Cow milk for our coffee, tea which we take 2 times. Curd is also made from the same milk. Our maid has 2 cows at her house. She gives to others also where she works. Before we used to buy Avin milk.
Everyday before going to sleep my wife ferments a big bowl of boiled rice mixed with spoonful of curd. In the morning we all eat a plate of fermented curd rice and they go to office and school.
In the morning everybody was eating 1 boiled egg each while I was eating 2 boiled eggs but now stopped due to birdflu scare. In the night all days except sundays idly, upma, dosa, uttapam then on Sundays even nights also chicken and rice.
Sunflower oil with Vitamin E (Vitamin E considered unhealthy for Kidneys)
It's also said that few oil makers adding some chemical that stop oil from creating bubbles/foaming is also unhealthy ....
I'm not researcher so please do not ask for explanation etc.

Out of genuine curiosity, what is the rationale behind this? Some examples?

Hypothetically, why can't I eat fish (type of food) in the summer (season) at 2 pm (time of day) in Europe (as a geographical restriction)?
I'm not right person to satisfy your curiosity.
For Detail & Scientific explanations please contact some Genuine & Old Ayurveda Practitioners, may be they do not have certificate/degree/Air-conditioned Consulting Room etc. but you came to know their knowledge once you start talking/asking your queries.
Some good YouTube video may also help you, while watching genuine person video you won't feels like rubbish and if you feel it rubbish stop and check other video.

Probably has to do more with gut health and religion than anything else.
Yoga and Ayurveda Creators/researchers were smart enough to associate it with Religions so people follow same and live healthy life and healthy mental life too.
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Sunflower oil with Vitamin E (Vitamin E considered unhealthy for Kidneys)
It's also said that few oil makers adding some chemical that stop oil from creating bubbles/foaming is also unhealthy ....
I'm not researcher so please do not ask for explanation etc.

I'm not right person to satisfy your curiosity.
For Detail & Scientific explanations please contact some Genuine & Old Ayurveda Practitioners, not from that Fancy Multispecialty Ayurveda Hospitals or Chain Shops (who may have only bookish knowledge) but one with Experienced Pvt. Practitioners may be they do not have certificate/degree etc. but you came to know their knowledge once you start talking/asking your queries.
Some good YouTube video may also help you, while watching genuine person video you won't feels like rubbish and if you feel it rubbish stop and check other video.

Yes, our old Ayurveda Creators/researchers were smart enough to associate it with Religions so people follow same and live healthy life.
Should we buy only Rice Brawn oil for our monthly consumption then? Because Olive oil is too costly for us to be used like in 5 litres quantities. We don't use coconut oil but maybe we can use Ground nut oil.
My mother says that Sunflower oil, Rice Brawn oil and Ground nut oil all are almost equally priced and price difference will be Rs.10-20 for each per litre. So Ground nut it is then. I will tell my wife to order this from next month onwards.

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