Graphic Cards evga 9600gt or 8800gt


One of my friends from the US is getting me a GFX card. I'm getting a PSU here. So please suggest which one i should buy:
eVGA 9600 GT superclocked
eVGA 8800 GT 512 mb.
Price range: 190 $
Any suggestions about the PSU are welcome.
Price Range: Rs 2500.
I heard that some 8800 gt cards are incompatible with some motherboards. Will it work on my Intel DG965RY?
itari said:
One of my friends from the US is getting me a GFX card. I'm getting a PSU here. So please suggest which one i should buy:
eVGA 9600 GT superclocked
eVGA 8800 GT 512 mb.
Price range: 190 $
Any suggestions about the PSU are welcome.
Price Range: Rs 2500.
I heard that some 8800 gt cards are incompatible with some motherboards. Will it work on my Intel DG965RY?

Get an overclocked 9600GT and save some money. put these saving in buying a good PSU (read VX450 @ 3.7K)
This is better than getting a 8800GT and coupling it with a crappy PSU
Ask ur friend to also source a PSU fm US if he doesn mind bearin the extra load.. :p

Retails a lot cheaper there..
gannu said:
Ask ur friend to also source a PSU fm US if he doesn mind bearin the extra load.. :p

Retails a lot cheaper there..

A Corsair PUS is available here at the same price as in US,

I wonder why this fascination about lugging stuff from the US for no reason, or in this case pointlessly, since warranty is an issue which in all probabily will crop up sometime during its life time.
TheIndian said:
A Corsair CPU is available here at the same price as in US,

I wonder why this fascination about lugging stuff from the US for no reason, or in this case pointlessly, since warranty is an use which in all probabily will crop up sometime during its life time.

CPU .............. :O :O
TheIndian said:
A Corsair CPU is available here at the same price as in US,

I wonder why this fascination about lugging stuff from the US for no reason, or in this case pointlessly, since warranty is an use which in all probabily will crop up sometime during its life time.

Edit tat plz...
And the 'Issue' u meant instead of USE..

We dont want any more CPUs thanks to intel and AMDs ongoing war.. :lol:

And regarding the warranty thing..
I suppose he's sacrificing the warranty-RMA time gap thing for the price he's getting the thing for.. ;)
gannu said:
Edit tat plz...

And regarding the warranty thing..
I suppose he's sacrificing the warranty-RMA time gap thing for the price he's getting the thing for.. ;)

For high priced GPUs its generally worth it, but for a PSU that would cost almost the the same here? its definitely not worth it.

And I personally hate to ask anyone to get anything that is not available here, but something that is not available here, that may be worth it :)
The price difference between here and the US is about Rs. 3000 for the card. I plan to buy the 8800 gt superclocked version because I heard evga pick the higher quality ones to overclock. So, reducing the odds of getting a glitch. About PSUs, I dont have a clue. This is what i'm thinking. And I am getting a 1gb DDR2 transcend 667MHz ram. So i dont think there are going to be any bottlenecks.
buying a superclocked version dosen't help that much,hardly a 1 or 2 fps increase in games which require it the most,better get the stock 8800gt and oc it yourself than coughing up money on a 50Mhz oc'ed card.
I plan to buy the 8800 gt superclocked version because I heard evga pick the higher quality ones to overclock. So, reducing the odds of getting a glitch.
For a PSU you can opt for a Cooler Master Real Power 600W it costs around 4K but seeing your needs it is definitely worth the cost...:hap2:
just get evga 8800gt superclocked and corsair vx 450W :D telling u this vx450w looks more like a piece of art than a psu ;) even the packaging is top notch. i never knew that a box can be made this much solid and beautiful.
I cant afford to spend more than Rs.3000 on the PSU. And how will the RMA work if i get the card from US? Because i checked and noticed that a few cards die upon installation or soon after.
got my 9600gt a few days back and it was running like a high end card

if you game not more then 1280 x1024 resolution then go for 9600gt otherwise 8800gt
How will the RMA work if i get the card from US? Because i checked and noticed that a few cards die upon installation or soon after.