FS: Video Card EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW3

Kaustav Banerjee

Feedback: 2 / 0 / 0
Expected Price (Rs)
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Item Condition
5 out of 5
Payment Options
  1. Cash
  2. Bank Transfer
Purchase Date
Sep 16, 2017
Shipping Charges
Excluded - at actuals
Have you provided two pics?
  1. Yes
Remaining Warranty Period
1 Year 7 Months
Invoice Available?
Reason for Sale
I want to sell my EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW 3. The card is working absolutely fine never goes above 65C under load. I am selling this as I am upgrading. I extended the warranty on the card to 5 years when I purchased it. I purchased it from Newegg USA and EVGA provides international warranty. The card needs to be shipped to Taiwan for warranty related claims.


  • EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW 3 Image2 .JPG
    EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW 3 Image2 .JPG
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  • EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW 3 Image1 .JPG
    EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW 3 Image1 .JPG
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  • EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW 3 Image.JPG
    EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW 3 Image.JPG
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  • EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW3 Purchase Invoice 16-09-2017.jpg
    EVGA GTX 1080TI FTW3 Purchase Invoice 16-09-2017.jpg
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  • EVGA GTX 1080ti ftw 3.JPG
    EVGA GTX 1080ti ftw 3.JPG
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