Evolution of the Revolution


Hi Guys,

Presenting to you my new rig, hosted by new kid on the block --> Cooler Master II 690 Advanced

My special thanks and gratitude to kolguy a.k.a Jerry who came to my place, put in lot of effort and time to do the cable management what you see now, He even cut his hand during the process :ashamed:
Thanks a lot machi :)

AMD Phenom X2 555 BE (unlocked easily to X4 B55)
Biostar TA790GX A3+
Transcend 2GB * 2 DDR3 1333 - Jetrams
Noctua NH-U12P SE2

Enjoy the pics folks

UPDATE 7th August 2010 : ( Red Front LED with Noctua fans, better cable management (i hope :p )



Idle temps of X2 555 @ stock ( without AC)
Load temps with Prime for 20 minutes is 42 C. All this @ dual core

All 4 cores unlocked, same temps at idle :D

wow! thats a nice rig,Great cable management. :drool2:


Small doubt,just noticed your screenshot of coretemp showing only 2 cores,after you said you unlocked it,check that man :)
Thanks guys :)

@ kolguy - its fixed now daa, see the new images

Yeah, i know, i just set bios settings to defaults when i booted with new cabby

Will unlock, overclock and keep posting the results :)

Srirama said:
wow! thats a nice rig,Great cable management. :drool2:


Small doubt,just noticed your screenshot of coretemp showing only 2 cores,after you said you unlocked it,check that man :)
Congrats Spec :hap2:

Better go for UV Blue Sata cables to match the fans and then add a UV CCFL inside to make your CM 690 II Advanced-Space-Age-Blue :p
Congo on the Rig man!!


Nice Cabling too... I will ask to give 1/2hour more on cabling and you will be able to hide all the cables.. :D

I can see lots of ways to clean the cables...

Anyways enjoy.. :D
Thanks guys :)

ankurshah said:
Damages? ? ? ?
All shipped prices

690 II advanced with transparent panel = 5850

used Proccy + mobo = 9500

ram 1 stick used = 1600

new ram 1stick = 2450

Noctua cooler = 3750
UV will look awesome on that cabby.. and wat did you do to ur white xigmatek's.. tey looked better...

try RED.. ATi .. AMD ..an evil looking red cabby :devil2::devil:::evil:.. instead of space age blue:angel:

And you never told u got urself a cm690II!!!!

And for God Sake change your DELL 19":S:S

Looks puny wen you put that next to ur cm690

Looks awesome anna.. expect me at your doorstep soon.. :)
Thanks sourcewop & raju

thambi - no changing monitor soon :p
I like the 19" Dell monitor i got, dont tempt me :chair:

I am thinking of having 3 themes --> Blue, Red and Non-LED and want to juggle around that, as i like, maybe keep changing them during the cleaning days
But, its gonna take time, procurring fans for these

ur most welcome anytime :)