Exam Results

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Choto Cheeta said:
If you have good recomendations and good previous education background, its a good score out of 2400 :)

It's a good score. Not 'great', but faar from 'bad'.

Here's my shortlist :

* Cal Tech

* Carnegie Mellon U

* Columbia U Fu Found.

* Cornell U

* Georgia Tech

* McGill U (Canada)

* Stanford U

* U Calif Berkeley

* U Calif Los Angeles

* U Illinois Urbana

* U Michigan

* U Pennsylvania

* U Texas Austin

* Yale U

Still have to shorten it further .. Will be applying for Computer Science. Score's good enough for the blue ones. Hit and try for the others ..

So in all probability, I'll have a 10MBps net next year :D:D.
You need above a 7.0 in your ielts, A Good GPA in 10th and 12th board. Recommendations, and about 13 lakhs annually!! :P
I dont know if those are good or bad scores, but since ppl are saying they are good scores, then congrats buddy, hope you'll get into the University of your choice :)
^^^ same wishes to Akshit! congrats mate! so sure chance that you'll definitely get into one of the univs you've listed?
he his paper wokr is very good, and as he has good funding..... there are very very few factor which would hold him back, one of them would Visa Interview but once u have the paper work and funding ready, in Visa Interview its just 15 / 20 % !!!! some rutine question.. which u are almost 99% certain to get passed :D
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