Explorer.exe not starting on reboot !!

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i had done a windows vista (x86) update yesterday !!

when the update was done, it asked me for a restart.

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

now whenever i reboot my PC...
there is just a black screen in front of me.
only way to make it work is by opening task manager and running explorer.exe from it...

plz someone help me out.
i did checked my registry (winlogon).. the shell script does consist of explorer.exe .
did that !

still not working :(

moreover.. i cant watch any movie files.. the media player just shows a blank window with sound nicely working :(

also VISTA transparency is gone... i am forced by windows to only select windows vista BASIC theme...

i dont understand what is happn..

someone plz help
if you have service pack 1 installed, try to uninstall that, hopefully that will

restore the old explorer.exe. If not then try system restore.

edit : bad luck if system restore is turned off. :P
If you have the windows Vista disc handy, I suggest you try a Repair Installation of windows. Don't worry all your programs will still work and

none of your files and settings will be deleted.

This will just restore the operating system files to their original state. You will need to do all Windows Updates again after doing this..


Try creating another account if it allows you to.

Try this link if the above thing doesnt work :

Different Shells for Different Users
i think you got caught for using pirated software by microsofi.

or regedit, go to run folder and add an entry for explorer.
i came across same issue on windows xp ( on relative's pc) but it wasnt about updates.
Couldnt solve problem.... still waiting for solution
hklm local machine / software / microsoft / currentversion / run

iirc :P
SunnyBoi said:
hklm local machine / software / microsoft / currentversion / run

iirc :P

arre wat i wanted to ask is how should i create that string laa :P

wat address path or anything ... should i enter in that value data SPACE ..

:( seeing a virus bending hell on my pc for the first time.
well reinstalled vista ... repairing dint help

thanks for trying to help me !!

greenies comin for ya all..

seriously thank you very much :D
Instead of performing a reinstallation ,You can do a in place upgrade to repair Vista.Any how you all ready did a reinstall,here after if u wanna perform a repair follow the inplace upgrade
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
well reinstalled vista ... repairing dint help

thanks for trying to help me !!

greenies comin for ya all..

seriously thank you very much :D

i guess it due to some kinda worm/virus.. had the same issue after my cousin bought his infected pen drive to my place..

i couldnt find any solutions though.. so i reinstalled.
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