I want to extend my WiFi signal range with installing second Router and using a Ethernet cable.
I have two houses about 20 meter apart, one house has TP Link wifi router installed, on the second house i get wifi signal to medium to low strength and some time no signal at all.
So i want to install another router to my second house and use an ethernet cable to connect the second router with main router, so that in second house i can use internet without any hassle.
I am thinking to buy a good quality dual band 5 Ghz wifi router and connect it with ethernet cable and use in my second house.
Request you all expert to help me on this, what kind of cable should i get and what is the best router i can get.
I am thinking to get at least 25 meter cable so that i do not fall short of cable.
Both house has 2 mobile, 1 Smart TV, one Laptop and 1 Desktop each, so both house will use same internet but with separate router.
Please help me here.
Location : Mumbai
I want to extend my WiFi signal range with installing second Router and using a Ethernet cable.
I have two houses about 20 meter apart, one house has TP Link wifi router installed, on the second house i get wifi signal to medium to low strength and some time no signal at all.
So i want to install another router to my second house and use an ethernet cable to connect the second router with main router, so that in second house i can use internet without any hassle.
I am thinking to buy a good quality dual band 5 Ghz wifi router and connect it with ethernet cable and use in my second house.
Request you all expert to help me on this, what kind of cable should i get and what is the best router i can get.
I am thinking to get at least 25 meter cable so that i do not fall short of cable.
Both house has 2 mobile, 1 Smart TV, one Laptop and 1 Desktop each, so both house will use same internet but with separate router.
Please help me here.
Location : Mumbai