Storage Solutions external 1TB HDD for linux

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i am planning to buy 1 tb external HDD , i checked sevral but no HDD mentions it supports linux, can you please suggest any external HDD for lunux.

disk will be used manily used for backup and data storage, and will remain disconnected most of time. does any mfg offer 5 year warranty anymore on any specific model ?

and btw i am using old setup (AMD 5600+, ASUS M2A-VM) so disk must support it, but i will prefer USB3 as i am planning to upgrade in next 6 months.

Thanks for reading and please do add some suggestions with price and link (if possible).

Thanks again.
I had this same doubt, but found out that all external storage devices can be used with linux. I think the software that they bundle with the hdd is not written for linux, hence the manufacturers do not mention linux. You can always format the usb drive to ext4 or ntfs and use ntfsprogs or ntfs-3g to write to the usb in linux. Alternatively, you can use ext2fsd driver in windows to mount the linux partiton as a drive and copy stuff to it in ext3/4 format.
You can safely use any external usb 3 drive.

No manufacturer offers more than 3 years warranty on external usb drive. You can search ebay for some good deals and use a coupon if you have got one.
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