PC Peripherals External TV Tuner card !


Cousin has bought a TV which is a NTSC mode, But Singapore TV format is PAL. He needs an external TV tuner box that accepts PAL signals and display output in NTSC.

I'll be going to singapore in two weeks, So i'll buy the tv tuner box from here...I've looked at various models but the features mentioned on the site doesnt give enough information...

Any help appreciated... :)
for PAL you sud go for leadtek winfast external tv tuner,
TV PRO 1680 max resolution 1680*1050
TV Pro 1920 - max resolution 1920*1200
which one support your Monitor, you can get that.
Ask your friend whether his TV accepts DVI or VGA inputs. If yes then any PAL compatible External TV tuner card will do the job.
As of now I can suggest Avermedia Avertv box genie (075) for 2k, or Avertvbox w7 lite (097) .
Pick one whose output better matches with the Tv's native resolution.