Extreme Gaming on my 40'' tv. Need Optimal Configuration

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Just got a new samsung 40'' LED TV and looking to play games at 1920 x 1080

Would really appreciate some help in filling up the blanks below :

GFX Card: Palit GTX 260 (216 SP) - 11k

CPU : Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 - 12k

MOBO : ???

RAM : ???

Need to fit the above 4 components in a budget of 40k. Any suggestions welcome.
On a 40" screen you should be able top play games at 2560xsome resolution

Go for a i5 or i7 based system, i5 comes for 10.5 K

And preferably go for a SLI system, buy 2xGTX 275 or 285, or just buy this monster 1xGTX295. For games that support SLI, you will get decent 30 fps in most current gen games at 2560xsome resolution. For games that do not support SLI, you will have to play at 1920x1080 cause the game will literally crawl at the higher resolution.

This system is going to cost you may be around 75 - 80K. For details look in the thread where a guy has asked for a gaming rig for 65K, just replace the graphic card with the SLI combo or GTX 295 and you will also not need to buy a monitor.


I would also say directx 11 is around the corner, ATI has some high priced directx 11 cards out there namely HD5870 and 5850, but you will have to wait for their prices to go down and nvidia might also launch directx 11 cards next month.
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naive_harry said:
On a 40" screen you should be able top play games at 2560xsome resolution

Go for a i5 or i7 based system, i5 comes for 10.5 K

And preferably go for a SLI system, buy 2xGTX 275 or 285, or just buy this monster 1xGTX295. For games that support SLI, you will get decent 30 fps in most current gen games at 2560xsome resolution. For games that do not support SLI, you will have to play at 1920x1080 cause the game will literally crawl at the higher resolution.

This system is going to cost you may be around 75 - 80K. For details look in the thread where a guy has asked for a gaming rig for 65K, just replace the graphic card with the SLI combo or GTX 295 and you will also not need to buy a monitor.


I would also say directx 11 is around the corner, ATI has some high priced directx 11 cards out there namely HD5870 and 5850, but you will have to wait for their prices to go down and nvidia might also launch directx 11 cards next month.

Just a small problem. Most TVs do not go over 1080p. Most probably his tv is 1920x1080. I think he's made a good choice on the card.

Also @ WarDoGG - If it's just for gaming, I don't see why you need to get a Q9950. An E8400 will do quite well. You can spend the cash saved elsewhere. For both the CPUs, the graphics card will be the bottleneck.
whatsinaname said:
Just a small problem. Most TVs do not go over 1080p. Most probably his tv is 1920x1080. I think he's made a good choice on the card.

Also @ WarDoGG - If it's just for gaming, I don't see why you need to get a Q9950. An E8400 will do quite well. You can spend the cash saved elsewhere. For both the CPUs, the graphics card will be the bottleneck.

ok, but still, why buy GTX 260 at a time when directx 11 cards are just around the corner, and most current gen titles and upcoming titles, when played at highest quality at 1920x1080 res will not play more than 30fps on a single GTX 260. What I would say is atleast go for a GTX 285 or preferably an SLI system or maybe wait for directx 11 cards.
naive_harry said:
ok, but still, why buy GTX 260 at a time when directx 11 cards are just around the corner, and most current gen titles and upcoming titles, when played at highest quality at 1920x1080 res will not play more than 30fps on a single GTX 260. What I would say is atleast go for a GTX 285 or preferably an SLI system or maybe wait for directx 11 cards.

I don't know the current prices of GPUs too well. If all that fits into his 40k budget, that will be a good thing to consider.
whatsinaname said:
Also @ WarDoGG - If it's just for gaming, I don't see why you need to get a Q9950. An E8400 will do quite well. You can spend the cash saved elsewhere. For both the CPUs, the graphics card will be the bottleneck.

Yes, its just for gaming. But since the Q9550 seems superior can you tell me why go for E8400 ?

also, what would be a good mobo to fit this setup at 10k ?
WarDoGG said:
Yes, its just for gaming. But since the Q9550 seems superior can you tell me why go for E8400 ?

also, what would be a good mobo to fit this setup at 10k ?

Your GPU will be a limiting factor in all the games you run, not you CPU. (Except maybe some games like GTA). So, the upper limit of the frame rate you get is decided by the graphics card. Improving the CPU after a minimum requirement is not going to improve gaming performance. (i.e, relatively not much)

A Q9550 will be a good option if you plan to upgrade your GPU later on for the same machine.

If you are the kind of person who upgrades whole systems at once (like I do :P), better to get E8400 and save money.
WarDoGG said:
Yes, its just for gaming. But since the Q9550 seems superior can you tell me why go for E8400 ?

also, what would be a good mobo to fit this setup at 10k ?

Well I would say go for i5-750, it comes for 10.5 K, and you will be future safe, cause at higher resolutions like 1920x1080 and GPU getting stronger by the day, CPU becomes the bottleneck. Brother in Arms hells highway, is an excellent example. And more and more games are moving towards threaded structure, so as to fully utilize all the cores that the latest CPUs have. And my friend go for a GTX 285 and get it fast as they are being pulled out of the market.
HoliC said:
If u just wanna play games, get urself PLAYSTATION 3...

or 360 best option with "ahem" disks.

Intel is not the best option right now if u cant afford i7/i5. I would skip tht i5 thingy. Why would anyone bother getting i5 when i7 920 is arnd 14k and i5 is 10k odd. Only mobo is costlier for X58.

Here is my way to burn 40k:D

i7 920 15k
MSI X58 10k
RAM DDR3 6/3gb 5k/7.5k
GTX 260 768mb 10k or HD5850 1 GB for 15k odd.

Ifu canwait a bit for GPU till december price" might" lower. And GTX 285 "might" be getting a price cut soon, so will be GTX 260. But in Indian Market it will reflect late:(
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