PC Peripherals EZDownloader - Another 24 hr Torrent Downloader

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I had taken a look at the Asus router/torrent models some time back and when researching on it. found another interesting 24 torrent downloader called EZDownloader.

Product Overview

Overview EZDownloader is a new generation Internet download appliance utilizing embedded Bittorrent technology to download your favorite Internet content to a USB storage (not supplied) without a PC. Plug EZDownloader to an Ethernet port at home or office and use a web interface anywhere on the Internet to begin the download. Turn your PC off while the download is in progress. The electricity savings alone can pay for the unit in about 6 months.

Why PC-Free Download Your PC is not designed to download large Internet content or torrent files. The excessive wear and tear on your PC hard drive and constant risk of virus and spyware infected content makes downloading using PC dangerous. Let EZDownloader do the heavy lifting of downloading and free your PC to do something else or simply turn your PC off while EZDownloader is downloading. You save about 96% on your electric bill and give your PC a break.

Download From Anywhere to Anywhere Initiate download from any web interface on the Internet to any EZDownloader you own on the Internet. Trigger download from your smart phone/PDA on the road and download to your EZDownloader at home, office or anywhere on the Internet. Download a surprise video for your girlfriend. Download for your Mom. EZDownloader offers the ultimate mobility and convenience in downloading.

Free 9x9 Programming Subscription EZDownloader comes with free subscription to selected 9x9TM Download Jockey Services. Choose to have your favorite programming content organized by Download Jockeys

and automatically downloaded to your EZDownloader. Enjoy your preferred Internet content automatically delivered to you without the hassle of having to search for them.

Technical Specification EZDownloader supports most popular NTFS and FAT32 USB storage devices. Download protocols supported include Bittorrent, HTTP and Thunder. Unit comes with 2 USB ports, 2 LAN ports, 12V Power supply and manual.
Download Your Favorite Content Without a PC: No need to tie up a PC anymore when downloading from the Internet
Green Downloading: Save 96% electricity compared to traditional PC-based downloading and the unit pays for itself in about 6 months
Remote Downloading: Trigger the download from anywhere whether you are in your home, office or on the road
Plug-and-Play: Plugs into an Ethernet port and unit automatically set up itself for use with any router without any additional user configurations
Protocols Supported: BitTorrent, HTTP, FTP, Thunder

Check out more details on it

Available on Amazon also
Superb! So guess this is the end of "The Download Rig"! Bravo, what an invention. (Although it does seem overpriced ATM for a small box)

I wish WD player or Xtreamer type content players start incorporating this ethernet downloader feature. Would be a BIG boon.
kishore.chander said:
Kewl.... any idea about availability of this in india? can we use this to download files from rapidshare or stuff like that?

Hmm, i suppose it can be used for rapidshare coz it says http along with ftp and bittorrents.

sato1986 said:
Superb! So guess this is the end of "The Download Rig"! Bravo, what an invention. (Although it does seem overpriced ATM for a small box)

I wish WD player or Xtreamer type content players start incorporating this ethernet downloader feature. Would be a BIG boon.

Yup, this makes downloading possible with no rig plus the feature to stop/start/resume downloads from office/remotely makes it excellent for downloading while away even on a holiday!! :ohyeah:
wow. this really is an awesome device if it features HTTP and FTP along with Bittorrent. and like the description says, you'll probably recover the cost after a few months of usage, considering that so much electricity will be saved. nice stuff.

EDIT: Ah! There you go. I knew there would be some limitation to it. It can support maximum 1000GB drives.
phoenix844884 said:
wow. this really is an awesome device if it features HTTP and FTP along with Bittorrent. and like the description says, you'll probably recover the cost after a few months of usage, considering that so much electricity will be saved. nice stuff.

EDIT: Ah! There you go. I knew there would be some limitation to it. It can support maximum 1000GB drives.

At the moment a 1 terabyte Hdd is more than enuf i suppose to connect to it. Not a great con imo unless you have a 50 mbps connection or something capable of filling the whole 1 tb really fast by the time u reach from office! :P

(which shud theoretically only fill < 500 still on a 50mbps connection in 24 hours!;))
DigitalDude said:
I came across this a few days ago while browsing for a similar solution :D

Leoxsys Networks Pvt Ltd. ++ Connecting Intelligence ++

its around 5k I guess. can't find any user reviews though.


I called up these Leoxsys folks. Spoke with a guy named Sunil. He says it cost 5k shipped anywhere in india. Shipping is absolutely free of cost. He will be sending me details to my mail id about the product.

I shall post more about it in case there is any difference in the information than what is available in the web.
well compared to atom based rig like a zotac ion based or asus Eee box which consumes around 19 to 25 watts when playing a HD video,lesser when downloading,if u run 24hrs x7 in a month the power bill for the atom based rig amounts to about RS 60 to Rs85 a month,if 1 unit is Rs 4.50.compared to this which comes to about Rs 35 a month.so it will take a long time to get even.
the ion based rig can be a download rig and ur media centre/HTPC.
Party Monger said:
And where do u get the ion platform rig? Is it available in india? And cost?

well according to nvidia Ads that u find in most tech and car magazines,the cheapest ready made one starts at 13.8k,with 160gb HDD and 1gb DDR2 ram.zotac ION with atom 330 costs around 17.5k,with the same spec as above but with 2 GB ram,this one includes the power adaptor.
but if u assemble them it will be slightly cheaper zotac ION mobo with atom processor i think was available in techsop.in
^ then this ezdownloader works out cheaper. if you buy this instead of a 14k ion board (not considering psu/htpc cabinet cost), you get to save 9k. with that 9k you can get a good media player that will play hd in low wattage like xtreamer or wdplayer and does not need to be on always like the ion setup.
kishore.chander said:
I called up these Leoxsys folks. Spoke with a guy named Sunil. He says it cost 5k shipped anywhere in india. Shipping is absolutely free of cost. He will be sending me details to my mail id about the product.

I shall post more about it in case there is any difference in the information than what is available in the web.

Wow! That sure looks interesting! :D:hap2:
6pack said:
^ then this ezdownloader works out cheaper. if you buy this instead of a 14k ion board (not considering psu/htpc cabinet cost), you get to save 9k. with that 9k you can get a good media player that will play hd in low wattage like xtreamer or wdplayer and does not need to be on always like the ion setup.

well the 13.8k price tag includes the cabinet,160gb HDD and a N230 atom processor,from picture shown in the nvidia AD the ION nettop from "datamini" looks like it includes the cabinet,KB&mouse.
from a another company for 14.8k but with N330 Brand: Connoi® ION Net Top PC Model: ION-T3320
agreed for a person who only wants it for download the ezdownloader works out cheaper,but for a person who want it be a HTPC i think nvidia ion is a good option,u can also do a lot more with a pc.
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