Facebook Is Going To Build Its Own Search Engine!


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SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook Inc Chief Executive MarkZuckerberg has fired a warning shot that threatens to ignite a battle to marry social networking with one of the most valuable areas of the technology industry: search.
Long dominated by Google Inc, the Web search marketrepresents a "big opportunity" that Facebook is uniquely positioned to address, Zuckerberg said on Tuesday at a tech industry conference in San Francisco.

If Facebook can figure out how to use the information in its social network to provide consumers with better Web search results, the company could steal more market share "than just about anyone else," said Gross, the CEO of Idealab.

Google had 66.4 percent of the US search market in August according to research firm comScore. Microsoft's Bing had 15.9 percent share and Yahoo Inc had 12.8 percent share.

Mark Zuckerberg eyes Web market with Facebook search engine; analysts raise hopes, questions - Economic Times
Facebook Is Going To Build Its Own Search Engine! (FB, GOOG) - SFGate
^^hmmm in tech anything is possible...no don't believe Facebook can beat Google in search but nothing is permanent in tech and google wasn't even there before '96. that says something doesn't it?
Well, Google has its roots very strong. FB will have hard time competing them. I won't say it will be total fail. It will compete with Other search engines like Bing :)
^ Yeah, they will have huge database of profiles. People already stalk a lot using current FB search feature. Imagine what will happen when they actually launch FB search engine.
competition is good.

anyway I think Facebook realises that present model cannot be reliable. or the wall street sharks want to increase the share price to offload their stocks.

I wish facebook, the social network, dies. I don't have any personal hate against the company or the founder, but the social network everybody's b**ching about must end. People are shocked when you say that you aren't on facebook, or you don't use it much. WTF.
Looks like Zukerbaby is gone desperate with FB's share prices falling but i really don't think it's gonna help them
I say,it's a bad move
Its not exactly going to index websites like Google does.. its gonna allow people to mine the billions of Facebook updates and social trends on the web. A more real time search/information Engine .. which is something Google has been introducing recently.

Its not meant to replace your Google Web Search .. but rather become a Spolight section for what happening on the web.

Facebook has exclusive access to a whole lotta data that Google would kill for.
Anything is possible really, they can definitely cut a chunk off google's market share if they tried. I'm sure a lot of you would be surprised that Bing has 15% share. Facebook has enough channels to get across to a LOT of people. Any product they push has a good chance to take off.