Fake Chinese electronics perform better than originals

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You got to read this one.
CHINESE MANUFACTURING outfits are cloning fake goods which are proving better than those of the original companies.

According to IT Wire, the clones are being made and distributed in China so fast that by the time the real gear arrives it is being treated as if it was an expensive fake.

LG was so slow in getting its Chocolate phone released in China that the pirates put some excellent copies into the shops. When LG did release the phone, it failed because the discerning Chinese punters thought they were fakes copying the 'original' Chinese version.

Chinese pirates cloned the PSP fairly successfully and even chucked in a stack of pirated Nintendo games to go with it.

IT Wire reports that one clone outfit so impressed Samsung that they offered them a job and a chance to go legitimate. However, the pirates said no thanks as they made more money flogging pirated gear.

Source Link : Fake Chinese electronics perform better than originals
Original Story : iTWire
IT Wire reports that one clone outfit so impressed Samsung that they offered them a job and a chance to go legitimate. However, the pirates said no thanks as they made more money flogging pirated gear.

Owned! Never knew the PSP could be faked.
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